Newsletter Display

  • Date: February-2007
  • Title: Job-Fair
  • Written By : Dr.Renuka (Co-ordinator)

The Department of Business Manangement under the guidence and supervision of Dr.G.Seshikala (Director), Prof .P.Maruthi Ram (Incharge department of Business Managment) The event coordinator Dr.G.Renuka Sagar (Associate Professor)conducted a 2 day 'Niyukthi' Job Fair on 9th and 10th of Februrary 2007.
Around 20 companies participated to recruit people to meet their requirement.Dr.Saugat Mukherjee ,Director CII was the chief guest for the programm, released the placement brochure of MBA students for the batch 2005-2007. Around 5000 students participated on these two days. The total registrations were around 6431. The number of students placed in various organisations are around 828.The names of few companies who participated are ADP,SerWiz Sol, Vision 2k, Network Solutions,HSBC,24/7 Customer,Dell International,Uphaar Malaysia,CII,Elico etc, Most of the companies conducted the first round of recruitment process in the college. Few companies even conducted the final round of recruitment and also issued appoinment letters to many students.