Faculty of Telugu

Year of Establishment:

The Telugu Department was started in the year 1954. Presently the Department consists of 4 members.


  1. Telugu is offered as Second language and also Modern Language, both at Intermediate and Degree levels.
  2. In Degree I Sem some topics of 'Usage of Modern Telugu Language' are introduced.. This enables students to pursue Carriers in Print and Electronic Media, as there is wide scope for anchoring, production and news reading.
  3. Autonomy provided wide choice in framing the syllabus to suit to modern times. Avery famous modern Telugu Drama "KANYASULKAM" written by renowned Dramatist Late Gurajada Appa Rao garu, is introduced in B.A.ML IV Sem. It dealt with Contemporary problems of the Society. It helps the students to understand the Problems and flaws of the society and creates awareness in overcoming and changing the society.

New Courses:

A Career oriented Course in "Translation Proficiency"(English to Telugu) sanctioned by U.G.C has been started from November 2004.

P.G. Course:

M.A.(Telugu) was offered during 1984 to 2002.

Proposed Courses:

Proposed to start a Certificate Course in Anchoring and News Reading as it is in demand.
Activities of the Department:
  1. Extension Lectures
  2. Kavisammelanam
  3. Astavadanam and Haryavadanam.
  4. Dramas which have dealt Contemporary Social Problems were Staged by Students.

Students Study Programme:

Around 700 students opted Telugu as Second Language. Modern Language is opted by 50 students. Telugu Literature is included as one of the optional subjects in Group I & II Services and in IAS Main Examination. Most of the students appear for these Competitive Exams, are benefited by opting Telugu at Degree level.

Faculty Name Qualification Exp Phone Other Responsibilities
Dr.K.Vidyavathi 22 years 25 27500506 Head
Dr.T.V.Nagaranjani. M.A.M.Phil.,Ph.D, 21 27561533 Faculty
Mrs.P.Sudheshna M.A.,T.P.T 21 23342506 Faculty
Mrs.Jyothi.B M.A.M.Phil,(Ph.D),M.A 12 04027603894 Faculty
Dr.M.Vijaya Lakshmi M.A,M.Phil,Ph.D 12   Faculty