Faculty of Computer Science (PG)ProfileYear of Establishment : 1994.Medium of Instruction : English ProgressionThe Department of Computer Science was started in the year 1994 by introducing PGD-MISCA(Post graduate Diploma in Management Information System with Compter Application) with an intake of 30.In view of overall decline in demand the College had to discontinue the course from this academic year (2005-2006). The university itself has dispensed with common entrance test and centralized admissions. In the year 1998 we have introduced M.Sc (Computer Science) Programme with an intake of 30 and the course is offered to the students who have completed B.Sc(Comp. Science). Our college also offered M.Sc(Information Systems) from the year 2001 with an intake of 40. This course is offered to the graduates with B.C.A background. The Course was discontinued from the academic year 2004-2005 due to the decline in demand for its qualifying course viz.B.C.A. ActivitiesThe Department of Computer Science has many areas of interest, in a wide range of topics such as: seminars, industry interactions and project development opportunities.Faculty and staff are service oriented. Where appropriate, faculty members will participate in extension and distance learning programs. Faculty members contribute towards writing text books, and served as content writers for distance education programmes. Faculty members are making themselves available to other departments as experts and consultants. Faculty members actively contribute to deliver the Extension lectures in Faculty Forum of the college. Staff's has contributed academically to other colleges and University. One of the faculty members has delivered a Extension Lecture on “Usage of Internet in Social Science Research” for Training course on Research Methodology. One of the faculty member was instrumental in developing the Web Site of the College and introducing the college administration system. Computer awareness programmes are conducted for the students and staff. The final year students are encouraged to take up the live projects in reputed companies like NIC,Wipro, Sierra Atlantic, DRDL, MCH, Indian Satellite Research Center, NSIC, Informatrix Ltd. Etc. We have a well-equipped Library with total of 988 numbers of books, which includes 259 titles exclusively for M.Sc (CS). Our Library subscribes for the magazines like: PC Quest, Digit, Smart info, Information Technology, Express computer. It subscribes for even Journals like: Artificial Intelligence, Modeling And Computer Simulation etc. Missionwe have set our mission to foster the growth and development of the students in curricular aspects such as Conduct student seminars in the concerned subjects, Have Industry interaction to help them know better about their career prospects, Council and prepare the students for a better living, Conduct continuous assessments to fare better in their finals.
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