Two Year Intermediate Course

Two year Intermediate course was started in the year 1969-70. The college has been established mainly to cater to the needs of girls from rural areas. This is one of the few colleges in the twin cities, which offers instruction in Telugu Medium apart from English Medium to the students. Most of the students who are admitted into Intermediate course are of first generation. They hail from very poor families where the parents are illiterate.


Intermediate Admissions are made strictly according to the rules & regulations of The Board of Intermediate Education, Government of Andhra Pradesh. All the students of Two Year Intermediate course are offered free education in the college as per the state government’s policy.

  1. Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry
  2. Botany, Zoology, Physics, Chemistry.

  1. Commerce, Economics, Civics.
  2. Mathematics, Economics, Commerce.
  3. History, Economics, Civics.
  4. History, Modern Language, Civics.

Second Languages Offered:Telugu, Hindi, Sanskrit and Urdu.
Modern Language:English & Telugu

Total strength in Intermediate classes during the year (2004-05) is 750 (seven hundred and fifty).
Medium of Instruction:English and Telugu.

Coaching for EAMCET is offered free to all science students in the college.

STUDENT’S AID: The State Government grants scholarships to the eligible students of Backward Class, Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe categories. More than sixty per cent (60%) of the students receive scholarships from the State Government. The college also provides financial aid to poor students from Poor Students’ Aid Fund.

Medical Examination :Every year Medical Examination is conducted for all Intermediate students and necessary medical advice is given.


Classrooms: 15
Laboratories: Separate laboratories for Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology.
Capacity: 40 students per Lab

Library: The library comprises 3500 books including text books and reference books in both English and Telugu. Each student is issued two library cards. The library also subscribes to a number of newspapers and magazines which are useful to students.
The Syllabus for Intermediate course is as prescribed by The Board of Intermediate Education, A.P.
Periodical tests in all subjects , Quarterly , Half yearly and Pre final Examinations.
Remedial classes are held for needy students.

Parent teacher meetings are convened. Parents are informed about their wards’ academic performance and attendance.The Students’ Counsellors are alloted a class each. They monitor student’s academic performance, attendance and discipline .
Students’ Assembly: At the beginning of each year, the assembly is held to the newly admitted students of the college. They are informed about the rules and regulations of the college. The staff members introduce themselves to the students.
Extra Curricular Activities: Literary and cultural competitions are organized to encourage students to tap their talents.
Physical Education: Students are allowed to play games during leisure hours. They are encouraged to participate in Intra-college and Inter-college competitions. Students are given coaching in games and sports.
National Cadet Corps(N.C.C): Many Intermediate students enroll themselves on NCC. The classes are conducted periodically and at the end of the two year Intermediate course, students are given certificate. One of the staff members, Captain Sunitha, the NCC officer, supervises the NCC program.

Job-Oriented Courses(Short Term):

The Board of Intermediate Education offers short term Courses in Junior Colleges. A short term Course: “Health Care & Beauty Culture”is being offered at a nominal fee in our college. At the end of the course, The State Institute of Vocational Education, Hyderabad (S.I.V.E.) awards certificates to the qualifying candidates. During the academic year 2004-05, 27 Intermediate students have joined the course. During 2003-2004 49 girls were qualified in the examination of the Short-term course.

One of the senior staff member is appointed as Incharge of the Intermediate wing.



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