The college follows semester system with two Internal Assessment tests in each semester.
Examinations are conducted at the end of each semester with equal weightage for each unit. Each paper in the semester exam is assigned 50 marks out of which 10 marks are assigned for Internal Assessment and 40 marks for the final paper. It is decided to have two Internal Assessment tests in each semester from the year 2005-2006.
Both-paper setting and valuation are done by the external examiners from the approved panel for theory papers. In case of practical in science subjects, internal and external valuation is done and Practical Examinations are conducted at the end of the academic year, -i.e. II, IV & VI Semesters. Students are evaluated continuously in all practical classes.
Examinations in the additional subjects: - Spoken English & Environmental Science, Computer Basics and Entrepreneurship Development are conducted at the end of II and IV semester.
Question Banks are prepared by all the science and social science departments.The question banks are updated from time to time.
The results are scrutinized before announcement by the Results Committee comprising the Controller of Examinations of Osmania University or his nominee and Heads of the Deparments. The results are announced as per the recommendations of the above committee with the approval of the controller of the examinations of Osmania University and the marks would be tabulated.
Recounting and revaluation facilities are provided to the students.
Controller of Examinations - Dr.Mrs. T.V. Nagaranjani (Department of Telugu)
Additional Controller - Mrs. L. Purnima (Department of Commerce)
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