Faculty of Sanskrit


  1. Year of Establishment - 1954.
  2. Medium of instruction - Telugu,English.
  3. Progression of the Department- Many of the students who graduated with Sanskrit as Second language /optional are working as Sanskrit lectures.
  4. Activities of the Department :

  5. i) Organised Exhibition during Golden Jubilee Celebration of the college.
    ii)Speech on Human values by Swamini Atmalinanade of Chimaye Mission on 6-8-2004.
    iii)Extension lectures
      -> 17-1-2001.
      Speaker : Prof.Sasirekha Department of Sanskrit,Osmania University.
      Topic : Sciences in Artha Sastra.

      -> 17-1-2002.
      Speaker : Prof.B.V.L.Narayana Rao
      Topic : Paninian Grammar.

      -> 6-8-2004.
      Speaker : Swanini Atmalinananda of Chimaya Mission.
      Topic : Human Values.

    Faculty Name Qualification Exp Phone Other Responsibilities
    Dr.Mrs.G.Krishnapriya M.A.,M.Phil.,Ph.D 30 27502448, Head
    Smt.B.Meena Kumari M.A.,M.Phil 14   Faculty