

Generic Electives (GE) are introduced as part of the CBCS. Several GE courses are offered in V and VI semester for UG students and II & IV semesters for P.G students and the students has to choose from the list of G.E given . The list may be subject to change

S. No. Name of the Dept. V semester VI semester  
  1. `
BBA  Principles of Management Banking and Insurance
2. Botany  Role of Medicinal Plants in Day to Day life Millets in Your Meal
3. Biotechnology  Fundamentals of  Biotechnology Applications of Biotechnology
4. Business Management (UG)  Branding HR Contemporary Practices
5. Chemistry(UG)  Food Chemistry Textile Science
Pharmaceuticals Waste Management in food Industries
6. Computer science  Information Technologies-1 Information Technologies-2
7. Commerce Introduction to Indian Economy Sectors of  Indian Economy
8. Electronics Electronic Devices Principles of Electronic Domestic Appliances
9. English Language and Literature   Communication Skills in English Business Communication Skills
10. Forensic science Economic Offences Human Rights
Go Green First-id
11. Food & nutrition Fundamentals of Food and Nutrition  FundamentALS OF HEALTH Approach to Human Life Style Methods
12. History Indian National Movement(1857-1947AD) History of Telangana Movement and State Formation (1948-2014)
13. Journalism   Advertising  Magazine and Photo-Journalism
14. Mathematics Lattice Theory Quantitative Aptitude
15. Statistics  Basic Statistics-1 Basic Statistics-2
16. Microbiology  Microbiology &  Human Health Contagious Diseases & Immunization
17. Physics Transmission and Communication system Renewable Energy Sources
18. Zoology   Health and Wellness Clinical Science


The Following list of Generic Elective is offered in Semester II & IV for all Post Graduate Courses.


S.No Name of the Dept. II  Semester IV semester
M.Sc(Chemistry) Chemistry in Everyday Life Forensic Chemistry
Cosmetics Pollution Prevention and Management
2. M.Sc(Computer Science ) Web Designing & Development Internet and E-Commerce
Algorithmic Approaches ICT Skills
3. M.Sc (Mathematics) Elements of Graph Theory Bio calculus
4. MBA Personal Effectiveness Healthcare  Management


Each Generic Elective syllabus is framed for 30 hours. The students’ performance is evaluated for 50 marks, 20 marks for Internal Assessment and 30 marks for External Semester Examination. Each Inter Disciplinary Elective (Generic Elective) has a weightage of two credits. A student is free to choose more than the required Generic Elective courses to earn extra credits. It is mandatory for all students to have minimum 75 % attendance and better than F grade to earn a credit. It is mandatory for a student to complete Generic Elective course in the same Semester. In case a student is unable to complete these Generic Elective courses due to a valid reason, she has to complete it in the next Semester failing which she has to register afresh for a  Generic Elective Course.  The students should choose the Generic Elective subjects from the suggested pool of provisional list which given in the above table other than their core subjects.