

The curriculum of each U G Program consists of four components:

Part I:        Languages (Core Credits for B.A, B Sc, B Com)

Part II:       Optional subjects (Core Credits)

Part III:     Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC), Generic Electives (GE)  and NSS / NCC / Sports / Certified Voluntary Work (Elective Credits)

Part IV     Environmental Science (ES) and Gender Sensitization


  1. BBM program has only English in Part I, and more optional  papers in Part II compared to B.A /B Sc / B Com.
  2. Certified voluntary work includes supervision and cleanliness of College Campus, Classrooms, Rest Rooms, Library Maintenance / Adult literacy in improvised classrooms/ Eradication of child labor and enrolling them in schools / Service at old age homes / Service at hospitals / Service at student cooperative canteen and any other service recognized by the College from time to time.

The Curriculum of each PG Program consists of three components:

Part I    :   Optional subjects (Core Credits)

Part II   :    Project work

Part III  :   Skill Enhancement Courses(SEC), Generic Electives(GE)(Elective Credits)