The curriculum of each U G Program consists of four components:
Part I: Languages (Core Credits for B.A, B Sc, B Com)
Part II: Optional subjects (Core Credits)
Part III: Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC), Generic Electives (GE) and NSS / NCC / Sports / Certified Voluntary Work (Elective Credits)
Part IV Environmental Science (ES) and Gender Sensitization
- BBM program has only English in Part I, and more optional papers in Part II compared to B.A /B Sc / B Com.
- Certified voluntary work includes supervision and cleanliness of College Campus, Classrooms, Rest Rooms, Library Maintenance / Adult literacy in improvised classrooms/ Eradication of child labor and enrolling them in schools / Service at old age homes / Service at hospitals / Service at student cooperative canteen and any other service recognized by the College from time to time.
The Curriculum of each PG Program consists of three components:
Part I : Optional subjects (Core Credits)
Part II : Project work
Part III : Skill Enhancement Courses(SEC), Generic Electives(GE)(Elective Credits)