- Dress code: White or Half- White.
- Reporting time for the program is 9.00 A.M.
- The Gates will be closed by 10.00 A.M.
- Convocation Robes will be rented on deposit of Rs.500.
- Rs 400 will be refunded on returning the Robe.
- Registration & issue of Robes closes at 10.30 A.M.
- The recipients must enter the auditorium by showing pass in proper Robe.
- All the students must be seated by 10.30 A.M. in the seats allotted. No entry shall be allowed after 10.30 A.M into the auditorium.
- Parking of vehicles is not allowed inside the college campus.
- The refreshments will be given on returning the Robe after the program only.
- No one is permitted to leave the auditorium until the program ends.