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Date:October-2005 Title:ADOPTION OF SLUMS Written By:Head, Dept. of Sociology
REPORT ON EXTENSION ACTIVITIES 2004-2005 Adoption of Slums: The Department of Sociology has adopted two slums as a part of extension activities. The aims of adoption of slums are: v To bring awareness among the slum dwellers on importance of Education, Legal literacy, and other relevant issues. v To motivate them to be self- sufficient. Action Plan: First stage: - conducting a survey of these slums to understand the socio-economic status of the slum dwellers. Second stage: - organizing awareness and training programs Third stage: - organizing Interface with Governmental Agencies and NGOs. An Action Plan is prepared tentatively for a period of two years, i.e., August 2005 to august 2007. Report: After a pilot study, two slums, namely, Nazeeerbagh and Indira Nagar under Ward 3 and Block 5 of Circle III, Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad are adopted. The Municipal Commissioner, Hyderabad, accorded permission vide Lr.No.218/UCD/E3/MCH/2005/219, dated 22-06-2005. A survey is conducted in these slums during August and September 2005. Indira Nagar Slum: Indira Nagar is situated between Basant Colony and Kachiguda X Roads. It consists of 21 houses. Each house admeasures less than 20 sq. yards. Total population of this slum is 140. Most of the residents are working as daily laborers. Few women work as domestic servants. Indiranagar do not have proper water, drainage and sewerage facilities. Nazeerbagh slum: Nazeerbagh slum is located near Kachiguda X Roads. The Badichowdi and Ramkot commercial areas, and Navjivan Educational Institutions surround it. There are 78 houses in this slum. Each house admeasures less than 15-20 sq.yds. Water supply and sewerage facilities are not there. Most of the women work as domestic servants, whereas men work as daily wage laborers. Illiteracy and Child labor are rampant here. The following are identified for immediate attention. v Motivating women to send their children to school. v Training the women in self-employment. v Arranging an interface with Govt. Authorities and other agencies. Action Taken: Dr. M.V.Lakshmi Devi, Head, and Charter Member & P..R.O. of Lions Club-Hyderabad Seva Sadan organized a meeting of slum residents with the members of Lions Club on 3rd October 2005. Some of the residents of both the slums were given medical advice by the doctors in the Medical Camp organized by the Lions Club-Hyderabad Seva Sadan on 4th October 2005. Adoption Of A Village: Department of Sociology has adopted a village, namely Galigudem, as a part of Community Activities. Galigudem is situated at a distance of 60 K.M. from Hyderabad. It is a small hamlet under Balanagar Mandal of Mahabubnagar District. Total population of this village is 168. Most of them are Dalits and Lambadas. Awareness programmes and Medical Camps are being organized in this village for more than five years. Notebooks were distributed to the children to motivate them to continue education in July 2005. Medical awareness programme was organized on 28th August 2005. Head, Department of Sociology is making regular visits to this village and provides legal counseling to the villagers.

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