L The college follows semester system with two Internal Assessment tests in each semester.
Examinations are conducted at the end of each semester with equal weightage for each unit. Each paper in the semester exam is assigned 50 marks out of which 10 marks are assigned for Internal Assessment and 40 marks for the final paper. It is decided to have two Internal Assessments in each semester from the year 2005-2006. The paper valuation is carried out in the examination branch on the spot with the external examiners from the approved panels.Both
paper setting and valuation are done by the external examiners for theory
papers. In case of practicals in science subjects, internal and external
valuation are done with a transparent grading process. Students are
evaluated continuously in all practical classes. On-the-job training
reports for B.Com professional students are assessed at the end of each
year. Question
Banks are prepared by all the Science and Social Science departments. The
question banks are updated from time to time. Normally 80% of the
questions are chosen from the question banks. The
results are announced within one month after the date of last examination.
The results are scrutinized before announcement by the Results Committee
comprising the Controller of Examinations of Osmania University or his
nominee and Heads of the Departments. The results are announced as per the
recommendations of the above committee with the approval of the controller
of examinations of Osmania University. After the announcement of the
results, parents or guardians
are invited to meet the Principal and the concerned staff on a specific
day to know the progress of their daughter or ward. Recounting and
revaluation facilities are provided to the students. There is double
evaluation for those who seek revaluation. Controller
of Examinations
Mrs. Vijayandrasree
(Department of Chemistry) Additional
Mrs. H. Geetha (Department of History)