Exam Time Tables and Notifications Description Date Released MBA sem-III Exam Notification 2021-22 21.02.2023 Recounting Notification for PG II Sem-Dec-2021-Jan-2022 19.02.2023 Revised UG Time Table for OLD Backlogs Dec-2021/Jan 2022 06.01.2024 UG III SEM -Time Table-JAN-2022 03.01.2024 MBA II SEM -RECOUNTING RESULTS 03.01.2024 MBA II SEM -RECOUNTING NOTIFICATION 24.12.2023 UG V-Semester Revised TIME TABLE DEC JAN 2021-22 24.12.2023 Time Table for old backlogs UG examinations DEC 2021/JAN 2022 13.12.2023 TIME TABLE V SEMESTER DEC-2021 07.12.2023 Revaluation and Recounting October 2021 20.10.2023 PG and MBA Advanced Supplementary Notification- Sem-IV 22.09.2023 Table for P.G. Examination JULY-2021 Semester IV - Regular & Backlog 23.06.2023 Table for P.G. Examination JULY-2021 Semester I, II & III - Backlog 23.06.2023 Table for M.B.A Examination JULY-2021 Semester II & III - Backlog 23.06.2023 Time Table for MBA Examination JUNE/JULY-2021 Semester IV Regular/Backlog 23.06.2023 Time Table for UG Examination JUNE/JULY-2021 Semester I,II,III & V Backlog 28.06.2023 Time Table for UG Examination JUNE/JULY-2021 Semester IV & VI– Regular & Backlog 05.06.2023 SEM I Regular Time Table march 2021(Off line) 22.02.2023 UG Examination-Time table Feb-2021(Semester-I Backlogs) 04.02.2023 PG - M.Sc and M.B.A -SEM III-TT-FEB 2021 29.01.2023 UG Examinations Feb 2021 SEMESTER III & V Regular 20.01.2023 MBA-IV(sem)Advanced Supplementary Timetable Jan-2021 05.01.2024 PG-IV(sem)Advanced Supplementary Timetable Jan-2021 05.01.2024 Advanced Supplementary PG sem IV 19.12.2023 Recounting Notification for offline PG examination 19.12.2023 PG - M. Sc BACKLOG Time Table sem I jan 2021 18.12.2023 MBA BACKLOG Time Table sem I jan 2021 18.12.2023 PG-Semester-II -Time Table Dec 2020- Jan 2021 15.12.2023 MBA II SEM TIME TABLE DEC 2020-JAN 2021 15.12.2023 UG Examination Notification 15.12.2023 MSc Examination Notification 15.12.2023 UG Examinations Semester II & IV Regular 05.12.2023 UG Examinations Semester I & III backlogs 05.12.2023 ADVANCED UG SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATIONS NOVEMBER -2020 (Revised) 21.11.2023 ADVANCED UG SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATIONS NOVEMBER -2020 16.11.2023 ADVANCED SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATIONS FOR VI SEMESTER TO BE HELD IN NOVEMBER -2020 07.11.2023 Revised Backlog Time Table(Oct-2020) 09.10.2023 PG-IV SEMESTER BACK LOG TIME TABLE (Offline Exam) 09.10.2023 PG REGULAR & BACKLOG sem IV 29.09.2023 BACKLOG Time Table 28.09.2023 REGULAR SEM VI 28.09.2023 Final Year Examination notification 11.09.2023 Final Year TIME TABLE 2020 (Updated) 19.09.2023 UG Backlog TIME TABLE 2020 19.09.2023 Final Year TIME TABLE 2020 11.09.2023 PG Examination Notification 12.03.2023 UG Examination Notification 21.01.2023 11th Graduation Day 18.01.2024 Recounting Notification PG 18.01.2024 Revaluation & Recounting Notification UG 18.01.2024 MSc I SEM Time table 16.12.2023 MBA I SEM Time Table 16.12.2023 MBA & M.Sc I Sem Exams Notifiaction 28.11.2023 MBA TIME TABLE 3 SEM NOV DEC 2019 13.11.2023 MSc time table 3 sem nov dec 2019 13.11.2023 UG Examination Time Table 23.10.2023 UG Examination Notification 30.08.2023 REVAL & RECOUNT ADV SUPP JULY 2019 23.07.2023 ADVANCED SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATIONS FOR VI SEMESTER TIME TABLE 18.06.2023 ADVANCED SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATIONS FOR VI SEMESTER TO BE HELD IN JUNE/JULY -2019 13.06.2023 Revaluation & Recounting notification 04.06.2023 11th Convocation Notification 09.05.2023 M.Sc II & IV Sem Regular examination Time Table 16.04.2023 MBA IV Sem Exams Time Table 04.04.2023 Degree I,III, V sem Exams Time Table 2018-19 Backlogs 14.03.2023 Degree II,IV, VI sem Exams Time Table 2018-19 Regular 14.03.2023 PG Examination Notification 27.02.2023 Examination Notification 18.01.2024 Revaluation & Recounting 10.01.2024 NOTIFICATION FOR PG EXAMS 2018 01.11.2023 OCT-NOV 2018 UG Exams Time Table 10.10.2023 NOTIFICATION FOR EXAMS OCT NOV 2018 13.08.2023 UG VI Semester Advanced Supply Exams Notification 27.06.2023 MBA Exams Notification 18.06.2023 UG Exams Supplementary Notification 18.06.2023 Revaluation & Recounting Notification 18.06.2023 BACKLOG-UG-Page -2 BACKLOG-UG-Page-1