
Two day Workshop on “Basic Laboratory Techniques in Plant Tissue culture”



Two Day Workshop on  “Basic Laboratory Techniques in Plant Tissue Culture”

The Department of Botany has organized a Two day workshop on Basic Laboratory Techniques in Plant Tissue Culture on Feb 20 & 21 -2017 for the B.Sc BZC (Botany Zoology and Chemistry) .

Aim and Objective

  • To inculcate the basic knowledge on Plant Tissue culture as the Final year curriculum consists of Plant Tissue culture, Biotechnology as an elective paper.
  • The department has established Tissue culture Laboratory with the financial support from CPE.
  • The Workshop is intended to teach basic tissue culture techniques which includes
  • Principles and applications of tissue culture
  • Demonstrations and Hands‐on lab experiments on Preparation of tissue culture media, sterilization.
  • Hands on training for various tissue culture techniques, Quick update on latest techniques / developments.

Technical /Lab sessions

The workshop is designed to provide the same through theory sessions and lab exercises. Topics included in the workshop are Principles and applications of various facets of plant tissue culture, aseptic techniques, Basics of plant cells’ requirements and media compositions, media preparations, sterilization techniques – glassware, media and plant sterilizations. Specialized techniques of direct and indirect organogenesis, somatic embryogenesis, micropropagation for large scale multiplication of plants.


  • The workshop started with the lecture delivered by Dr.Laxmi Bhavani on the Principles and applications of tissue which she explained about

Plant tissue culture is a practice used to propagate plants under sterile conditions, often to produce clones of a plant. Different techniques in plant tissue culture may offer advantages over traditional methods of propagation including –   1. The production of exact copies of plants that produce better flowers, fruits or have other desirable traits. 2. The production of multiple copies of plants in the absence of seeds or necessary pollinators to produce seeds and thus mature plants. 3. Regeneration of whole plants from plant cells. 4. Production of genetically modified plants. 5. Production of plants in sterile containers that allows them to be moved with reduced chances of transmitting diseases. 6. Production of plants from seeds that otherwise have very low chances of germination and growth. E.g. orchids, Nepenthes. 7. Production of artificial seeds. 8. Production of haploid plants and thereby producing homozygous diploid plants. 9. Enhanced production of secondary metabolites which are pharmaceutically important. 10. To clean particular plant of viral and other infections and to quickly multiply these plants as ‘cleaned stock’ for horticulture and agriculture.




  • In the forenoon the second lecture was delivered by Dr.Srikanth ,he spoke about

1.Procedures that is often used to propagate many plants of the same genetic background. 2.The importance of sterilization  techniques.3. Preparation and sterilization of growing medium.4. Preparation of a sterile transfer chamber and equipment.5. Plant preparation 6. Transfer of plant material to tissue culture medium.7.Growing the plants 8. Potting the clones

DAY –I  A/N  By Dr.Nagabhusahanam

The session was complete Practical orientated and Tissue culture media preparation was demonstrated.

The plant tissue culture medium was prepared which is an artificial nutrient supplement of organic and inorganic nutrients used for cultivation of plant tissue media. The appropriate composition of the medium largely determines the success of the culture. The culture media used for the in vitro cultivation of the plant

Celle are composed of three basic components.

  • Essential elements (normal ions ) supplied as a complex mixture of salts
  • An organic supplements providing vitamins and amino acids

3)      A source of fixed carbon which is usually supplied as sucrose.

When cultured in an appropriate medium having auxin and cytokinin, explants will give rise to an unorganized, growing and dividing mass of cells called callus







The session consisted of Practicals where the procuring explants and their sterilization was performed . the explants inoculation were taught and students had hands on experience in explants inoculations so as to develop the callus for further regeneration.


The session consisted of Practicals where the callus inoculation were taught and students had hands on experience in callus inoculations in the regeneration media so that it can develop roots and shoots .




The students got to gain knowledge of tissue culture its application in Human dimension.

The students could learn how to prepare different types of media

The students could develop the callus from explants.

The students could develop the shoots from callus.