
Student Achievements

S.Harshitha has won cash price Rs.1500/- in the essay writing competition conduted on the topic “role of Credit cooperatives in Economic development of Rural areas”conducted by The AP State Cooperative Bank limited.

ABF Intership 2019 :

The Students of Bsc.MZC & MBC –II years have underwent internship at Agri Biotech Foundation , Rajendranagar , Hyderabad. The intership is basically Hands on Experience of different techniques in Microbiology , also provides Knowledge on the Basic Research going on in the field of Science.

S. No  Name of the Student     Group Project Title
1. Rithika & Shivani MZC Implanta Transformation in Green gram plants.
2. Manisha & Varsha MZC Plant Probiotics
3. Likitha , Lahari & Navya MZC Vermi Wash
4. Teju MZC Crop improvement of Black gram using Molecular Markers
5. Hajeera , Ritu & Dubey Priyanka MZC Crop improvement of Rice using Molecular Markers
6. Kavitha MBC Genetic Engineering
7. Niharika MBC Agrobacterium mediated genetic Transformation of Grreen Gram plant
8. Kavitha MBC Screening of putative transgenic cotton.
9. Shivani MBC Screening & Identification of EPSPS gene in Green Gram

Photographs of AFB Internships:



Student Participation in Intercollegiate events: The students of Bsc.MZC & MBC IIyears have participated in intercollegiate competitions held at Agri Biotech Foundation won  prizes.

SNO Name of the participant      Group Name of the competition     Prize
1. Manisha & Varsha MZC-II Power point presentation Winners
2. Priyanka Dubey MZC-II Quiz Winners
3. Manisha & Varsha MZC-II Poster Presentation Runners
4. Rithika MZC-II Poster Presentation 2nd Runners


The Departments promotes the learning activity of students by conducting quiz programmes, seminars, project works etc with innovative practices and encourage them  to  participate in various Intercollegiate Programmes & events

The students of Bsc.MZC & MBC (I,II,III)years have participated in intercollegiate competitions held at St. Ann’s College for Women and won 5 prizes

Ms.Durga Reddy, MZC-I year

Won 1st prize in Biological Mehndi

Ms.Ritu Sarda, MZC-II year

Won 3rd prize in Biological Mehndi

MS.K. Santhoshi Shravani , MZC-I year

Won 2nd prize in Microbiome Diet

Ms.Viola & K.Sushma , MZC-III year
Won 2nd prize in Lumosity

Ms.Aneesha,MBC-III year
Won 2nd prize in PASTE UP-Collage making


Hanna Grace BZC student was awarded gold medal and Best student of the year 2014-15

                                                        ZOOLOGY & MICROBIOLOGY



















M.Hema- BSc-M.Z.C

Poster Presentation-MULLI DRUG RESISTENCE TUBERCULOSISWon 1STprize for best Poster Presentation. On Detection on Gold Biosensors

Won 2nd prize in Elocution



Won 1ST prize in Essay writing


Won 2nd prize in poem recitation

Kasthurba Gandhi Degree collegeKasthurba Gandhi Degree college



Aurora degree College

Keshav Memorial Degree College

Keshav Memorial Degree College

24 & 25 Nov 201624 & 25 Nov 2023



28TH Dec2016



