National seminar on “Science & Technology for Indigenous Development in India”
National seminar on “Science & Technology for Indigenous Development in India” is Organized in collaboration with ISCA, Hyderabad chapter from 22-24, February, 2016. The Chief Guest was Dr.Ashok Kumar Saxena, General President, ISCA and Key Note Address is given by Padmashri Dr. A.V.RamaRao, Chairman, AVRA Labs, Hyd.
This Seminar provided platform for scientists, technologists, faculty and students to interact and exchange the ideas for the betterment of society.
The following are the guest speakers:
- Dr.S.Venkata Mohan, IICT, a Bhatnagar awardee delivered a Lecture on “Biofuels”,
- Dr.B.SashidharRao of Osmania Univarsity gave on “Nanobiotechnology” ,
- Dr.A, Pariplavi, Osmania Medical College delivered a Lecture on “Consious living”
- Dr.G.NarahariSastry IICT Another Bhatnagarawardee delivered on “Advanced materials”
- Dr.Raghunath of NIN delivered a lecture on “Double fortified salt”
- Dr.USN Murthy delivered about “Climate change”
- Br. Ganesham, President, PalleSrujana spoke on “Rural Development”.
- Dr. N.V.K.Murthy, Scientist, Lebanon delivered a lecture on “Cancer Therapy”.
In this seminar Research students from all over Telangana& Andhra Pradesh presented their papers.
Inaugural Function on National Seminar on “Science & Technology for Indigenous Development in India” on 22nd February, 2016.Chief Guest was Dr.Ashok Kumar Saxena, General President, ISCA and Key Note Address is given by Padmashri Dr. A.V.RamaRao, Chairman, AVRA Labs, Hyd.
Paper Presentations by the participants in the National Seminar
Valedictory Function of National Seminar on “Science & Technology for Indigenous Development in India” on 24th February, 2016.
A two day UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “NEW ASPECTS OF HETEROCYCLE
CHEMISTRY IN MEDCHEM AND CHEMICAL BIOLOGY” was organized by Department of Chemistry, R.B.V.R.R.Women’s College, on 19th & 20th February, 2015.The Seminar was inaugurated by Chief guest, Dr.Ahmed Kamal, Outstanding Scientist, IICT, Hyd, & Project Director, NIPER. The Guest of honour was Ms.K.Amrapali, IAS, Joint Collector,
Valedictory address was given by Chief Guest Prof.A.Ramachandra Reddy, Professor Emeritus, University of Hyderabad. The Guest of Honour was Dr.P.RadhaKrishna, Sr. Principal scientist, IICT .
The following were the Resourse persons:
- A.Veera Reddy, Vice President (R&D), Suven Life Sciences
- Prof. D.Ashok, Deptof.Chemistry ,Osmania University
- Prof. A. Ilangovan, BharathidasanUniversity,Tiruchirapalli)
- Dr. M. Vijjulatha, Deptof.Chemistry,Osmania University
- Dr.Ramanuj Narayan, Sr.Scientist (IICT-HYD)
- Dr.PratyayBasak, Sr. Scientist (IICT-HYD)
- Dr. S. Rajashekhar Reddy, Assosciate professor, VIT, Vellore
- Prof. Ch.VenkataRamana Reddy, Director, UIIC Chemistry,JNTUHCollege of Engineering,Hyderabad
Chief Guest Dr.Ahmed Kamal outstanding scientist CSIR-IICT-Hyd and project director, NIPER-Hyd and Guest of HonourMs.K.Amrapali,IAS,Joint Collector, R.R.District inaugurated National Seminar on “New Aspects Of Heterocycycle Chemistry in Medchem and Chemical Biology” sponsored by U.G.C. on 19th and 20th February, 2015.
Prof.A.RamachandraReddy,Professor Emeritus, School of life sciences UOH and Guest of Honour. Dr.P.Radhakrishna, Senior Principal Scientist, IICT,Hyd gave valedictory address in national seminar on “New Aaspects of Heterocyclic Chemistry in Medchem And Chemical Biology” sponsored by U.G.C on 19th and 20th February, 2015.
A souvenir was released on 19th Feb,@015 by the Chief Guest on inaugural day of the seminar on “New Aaspects of Heterocyclic Chemistry in Medchem And Chemical Biology” sponsored by U.G.C.
Seminar on “ Drugs of abuse & Youth”
A seminar was organized on “Drugs of abuse & Youth” on 26.6.2023 to commemorate International day against Drug abuse. The chief guest for Inaugural function was Dr.CherkuriRamana, Consultant Psychiatrist, AshaHospitals,Hyderabad.The Chief Guest for valedictory function was Smt. Swati Lakra IPS, Addl. Commissioner, City Police, Hyderabad
Chief Guest Dr.CherukuriRamana consultant psychiatrist, Asha Hospitals,Hyd inaugurated seminar on “Drugs of Abused and Youth” on 26th June,2015Shri.M.K.Singh, IGP was the guest of Honour.
A Rally was organized on 26th June,2015 to create awareness about “Drugs of Abused and Youth” to commemorate International Day Against Drugs of Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.
Smt.SwathiLakra, Addl.Commissioner city police, Hyd and Head “SHE” Team delivered valedictory address in seminar on “Drugs of Abused and Youth” on 26th June, 2015 Dr.T.R.Baggi, Ex-Director, CFSL, Hyd was the Guest Of Honour.
Department of Chemistry organized a seminar on “Career Guidance in Chemistry” for Postgraduate students on 12th September, 2012 byAshritha Bio-Foundation to leverage value addition to students academic skills & knowledge, capacity building towards academic staff & institute. The theme of the seminar was to fulfill the need for creating special awareness for students, staff to pursue their academic aspirations and thus enable them to assert their individuality, intellectual capability, economic independence & social standing.
Name of the speaker: Mr.SushanthGade
Seminar on spectro –Analytical techniques:
Two-day seminar on Spectro-Analytical Techniques” on 28th February 2013 and 1st March 2013 was organized to benefit the Teachers and Students of various colleges as there is paucity of quality teachers to teach this topic. The seminar was inaugurated by Prof .K.Veera Reddy, Vice-Chancellor, Satavahana University.
The following were the Resource Persons for the Seminar.
- Introduction to Spectroscopy: Dr. P. Srinivas, Professor in Chemistry, O.U.
- IR & UV Spectroscopy: Dr.G.Venkateshwarlu, Professor in Chemistry, O.U
- NMR Spectroscopy: Dr.Prasoonamba, Rtd .Professor in Chemistry, O.U.
- Mass Spectrometry: Dr. Ch. Kista Reddy, Professor in Chemistry, O.U.
- ORD & ESR Spectroscopy: Dr. N.J.P. Subhashini, Dept. of Chemistry, O.U.
- C-13 & 2D Spectroscopy: Dr.Sarbani Pal, Dept. of Chemistry, MNR College.
- Interpretation of spectral data of organic compounds: Dr. V. Prabhakar Reddy, Professor in Chemistry, O.U.
Prof.K.Veera Reddy, Vice-Chancellor, Satavahana University inaugurated seminar on “Spectro Analytical Techniques” on 28th February and 1st March 2013
Seminar on “ Science in daily life”
Two day seminar on “Science in Daily life” on 12th & 13th September, 2013.Inauguration of seminar by MehtabS.Bamji, INSA Honourary Scientist, Dangoria Charitable Trustee.
A Practical session was held demonstrating superstitions. A Lecture by Prof.Thangaraj, CCMB scientist & Valedictory by Dr.G.Srinivas, Joint Secretary, Head, U.G.C, SERO
Dr.MehtabS.Bamji, Emeritus Scientist, Dangoria Charitable Trust inaugurated seminar on “Science in Daily Life” on 12th and 13th September-2013
Students participating in science in daily life demonstrating an experiment against superstitions on 12th and 13th September,2013.