The Examination Branch is RBVRRWC is most significant Department which schedules and monitors the Examination and evaluation.
The Examination Branch was established in 1989 when the college was conferred Autonomous status. The College is affiliated to Osmania University. The College has introduced Semester System from the Academic year 2001-2002.Autonomy to PG courses was granted in 2010-2011.Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) is introduced from the Academic Year 2012-2013 for both UG & PG Courses.
The Examiantion Branch is headed by Controller of Examiantion and works with the help of 2 Additional Controllers, Computer programmers, Office Assistance and non-teaching staff.
Rules & Regulations:
- It is mandatory for a student to acquire minimum of 75% attendance in all students to be eligible to appear for the Examination.
- Students with shortage of attendance below 65% in aggregate shall not be allowed to register for the Examiantion.
- Students who have not registered for Examiantion are not allowed to attend the Examination.
- In deserving cases on medical grounds, the prescribed attendance requirements is condoned to a maximum extent of 10% on production of a valid medical certificate from a doctor not less than the rank of a civil surgeon ,and payment of the prescribed fee.
- Examination in this College is integrated evaluation system that is bases on Continuous Assessment and on End semester Examination with a ratio of 40:60. The Continuous assessment comprises of Internal test, assignments, project work, viva-voce,class room participation and attendance.
Semester End Examiantion:
- The Semester end Examiantion in theory and Practical for I,III and V semesters are conducted in the month of October/November and for II,IV& VI semesters in the month of March/Aril.
- Experts from outside set the Question paper and valuate the answer scripts.
- A Course is considered complete upon scoring a minimum of 40% in Semester End Examiantion and 40% in aggregate of Continuous assessment and Semester End Examiantion.
- Minimum Passing marks for practical’s is 50% in aggregate of Continuous assessment and Semester End Examination.
- Any student indulging in malpractice such as possession of any written material or any electronic gadgets is strictly punished as per rules.
Pass and Award of Division:
- A candidate shall be declared passed in Semester Examiantion if the candidate has passed in all papers/Subjects.
- A candidate shall be given Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) at the end of each semester if she passes in all papers/subjects.
- A candidate shall be given Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) and Division only after the completion of the course.(i.e, from I to VI semester).
- Reduction of 10% pass marks in each subject is given to the students of Hearing Impaired, Orthopedically Handicapped and visually challenged for all the UG Courses.
Memorandum of Marks:
- Semester Wise Memorandum is issued at the end of each semester. Consolidated Memorandum is issued at the end of the course on application by the candidate.
Revaluation/Recounting /Challenged Evaluation:
- If a student feels aggrieved by her result in a paper, she may apply for Recounting, Revaluation and Challenged Evaluation.
- No provision for revaluation shall exist for PG Courses, where the answer script is valued by two examiners.
- Candidates to be full-filled for promotion from I/III/V semesters to II/IV/VI semesters:There is no detention to move from I to II,III to IV and V to VI semesters provided the candidates has put in the required attendance and has registered for Examiantion.
- Candidates to be full-filled for promotion from II to III semesters: Must have earned at least 50% of the total number of credits in I and II semesters put together, including the subjects under Part III and has registered for Examination.
- Candidates to be full-filled for promotion from IV to VI semester: Must have earned at least 65% of the total number of credits of I, II, III&IV semesters, including the subjects under Part III and has registered for Examiantion.
- A student who did not put in the required attendance in a semester and thus detained.
- A student who did not pass in the required number of papers and thus detained.
- A student after completing a semester did not continue their studies in the next immediate semester on personal/health grounds but desired to continue her studies after a short break.
- A student who has put in not less than 40% of attendance in a semester and not registered for the Examination.
- Candidates who, after completing a semester/year but taken T.C to join some other Colleges and comeback to continue the earlier course in all the above cases, re-admission is permissible provided they are within the period of N+2 duration of the course.
Maximum Time for Completion of Course:
- The maximum duration for completing a degree course is N+2 years. The rule is also applicable to Readmission Cases.
Instructions to the Candidates:
- No candidate shall be allowed in the Examination Hall without a hall Ticket.
- Candidates trying to indulge in any unfair means shall be debarred from the Examiantion.
- In case, if a candidate loses her Hall ticket, a Duplicate Hall ticket shall be issued after through verification. The candidate has to apply for duplicate hall-ticket by paying a prescribed fee.
- Candidates are not allowed to enter Examiantion hall 30 min after the commencement of the Examination.
- The candidates should fill in the Examiantion form personally. Check the SL/SEC/GE Courses, NCC/NSS/Sports/CVW thoroughly after filling the Examiantion forms. Any further changes in the SL, SLC, GECourse,and NCC/NSS/Sports/CVW cannot be made.