Narayanaguda, Hyderabad.
- The Institute encourages its faculty, and students to interact with industry in all possible ways with the spirit of deriving mutual benefit. The major modes of interaction are listed below:
- Joint research Programs and field studies by faculty and people from industries.
- Visits of faculty to industry for study and discussions or delivering lectures on subjects of mutual interest.
- Visits of industry executives and practitioners to the Institute for seeing research work and laboratories, discussions and delivering lectures on industrial practices, trends and experiences.
- Memoranda of Understanding between the Institute and industries to bring the two sides emotionally and strategically closer.
- Human resource development programs by the faculty.
- Workshops, conferences and symposia with joint participation of the faculty and the industries.
- Participation of experts from industry in curriculum development.
- Collaborative degree programs.
- Projects/dissertation work in industries under joint guidance of the faculty and experts from industry.
- Short-term assignment to faculty members in industries.
- Visiting faculty/professors from industries.
- Professorial Chairs sponsored by industries at the Institute.
- R&D Laboratories sponsored by industries at the Institute.
- Scholarships/fellowships instituted by industries at the Institute for students.
- Practical training of students in industries.
- Professional consultancy by the faculty to industries.
- Industrial testing by faculty & technicians at site or in laboratory.