Chetna-2K-14: a chem fest:
Department of Chemistry conducted Chetna-2K-14, a chemfest on 12th& 13th March,2014.
Chief Guest for the fest was Dr. P. Radha Krishna, Sr. Principal Scientist, IICT, Hyderabad.
The students from different P.G. colleges participated in the fest. This fest provided a platform for the students to showcase their talent in various spheres that cover many versatile aspects of formal and informal events.
Dr.P.Radhakrishna, Senior Scientist IICT Inaugurated “Chetna-2K-14-a Chemfest” on 12th and 13th March,2014.
Chetna: Chemistry Exhibition :CHETNA- 2k14, a two day Intercollegiate Chemistry Exhibition was conducted on 29th& 30th Dec, 2014 to compliment science teaching and learning. The prerna for this CHETNA was our earnest desire to bring the brilliance of our students to the fore. From the monotony of class rooms and the labs, With an endeavor to promote scientific attitude among budding young students, and also to showcase the talents of the students .
The Exhibition was inaugurated by Mrs.SharadaAvadhanam, Director, Govt of TS & A.P Forensic Lab, Hyderabad.
Our students have put in their best effort in desigining the exhibits which will interest, impress, educate and enlighten the viewers for its sheer variety. It is highly commendable that students from different colleges have made their mark by presenting their, working models, Exhibits, Posters, Short films, etc which have enthralled the viewing public.
In the Valedictory Function organized on 30th December, the eminent judges comprising of Prof.G.Vekateshwarlu, Dept of Chemistry,O.U, Prof.C.H.Kista Reddy, Dept of Chemistry, O.U, Dr.B.Shireesha, Associate Professor, Dept of Chemistry, Nizam College gave their judgement after inspecting each project on their own merit. The best 3 Working Models, Exhibits, fun experiments, Posters, short films, &Quiz were selected and participants were presented with certificates and momentos. Students from many schools likeMadapatiHanumanthRaogirls high school, Deeksha Public School, Brilliant Grammer School have come to view the projects which in turn proved to be a learning experience for them.
Chief Guest Mrs.SharadaAvadhanam, Director,APFSL, Hyd inaugurated Chetna-Intercollegiate chemistry exhibition on 29th and 30th December-2014.
Students demonstrating exhibits at Chetna- Chemistry Exhibition on 29th& 30th December-2014.
Students exhibiting the models at Chetna-Chemistry exhibition on 29th and 30th December-2014.