Extension & Outreach Programmes:
- Students of B.Sc.(Bt.c.Fs) IIIyr has conducted an extension activity to the Madapati HanumanthaRao Girls HighSchool students, Narayanaguda on “Awareness about maintenance of personal hygiene“ on 6/8/2018.
- Students of B.Sc.(Bt.c.Fs) IIyr has conducted an extension activity to the high school students of Sri Guru Datta high school, Nallakunta on “CRIME SCENE EXAMINATION” from 9AM to 2PM on 3/11/2018.
- Students of M.Sc have visited an ‘PEER’S’ Orphange at Kushaiguda and distributed fruits and sweets on 6/11/2023 on the eve of diwali.
4. Extension activity at R.B.V.R.R Womens College, Narayanaguda .
To train non-teaching staff on the safety rules to be followed in the laboratories and basic first-aid to be given for some accidents occurs in the lab.
Department of chemistry has conducted an activity for non-teaching staff regarding the Safety rules to be followed in the chemistry laboratory on June 12th , 2018. Two of our U.G final year (Bt.C.Fs) students Sharanya&Nikitha has explained about the safety rules to be taken in laboratories. 10 of our lab attenders along with 2 lab assistants has participated in the activity. Students have explained them clearly about the DO’S & DON’T’S in the lab. They prepared charts with pictures and showed them. They also showed them the videos and animations about the safety measures. All the non-teaching staff participated actively and were enthusiastic to know about the rules and first-aid measures to be taken during any fire accidents, acid spills & about the preparation of few dangerous and haradous chemicals.
- Students of MZC I year & Ms. B.Suchitha, Faculty along with other faculty members of Dept. of chemistry showed Solidarity to brave soldiers by taking a candle light Ralley from RBVRR Womens College to YMCA, Narayanaguda, circle on 18th Feb , 2019 against Pulwama Terrorist Attack by a slogan “ Humanity is Greater than terrorism & Religious Fights”, They raised voice against Terrorism.
- The B.Sc II & III year students of forensic science of Rbvrr womens college conducted a rally against “Drug abuse and illicit trafficking” to commemorate an ” international day against drugs abuse and illicit trafficking ” on 26th June 2019 in collaboration with Narcotic Control Bureau, Hyd and Traffic police cyberabad from Rbvrr womens college, Narayanaguda to Sundaryya park, Baghlingampally. The aim was to create awareness against drug abuse, smoking, alcoholism, and use of tobacco amongst local people and to educate themselves about the health risks associated with illicit drug use. 90 Students from Bsc Bt.c.fs second year, and third year, participated in the rally. The rally was led by Dr. K.Sarada, Principal, Dr.J.Achyutha devi, Vice principal, Dr.V.Jeevana Jyothi, HOD, Dept of chemistry and forensic science along with faculty of Forensic science & Chemistry.
- Report on Student Training Programme to Non teaching staff about the safe handling of chemicals & first aid to be given during accidents in the labs on 5th August, 2019
An activity on “Safety Measures in Laboratories” was organized by Department of Chemistry for Lab Assistants and Lab Attenders of all the Physical and Life Science departments of RBVRR Women’s College on 5th August, 2019 (Monday) from 10:20 to 11:40 pm, in A.V room. 12 lab assistants and attenders of various Science departments (Zoology, Physics, and Chemistry departments) participated in the activity.
The main objective of this activity was to create awareness about the safe handling and storing of chemicals and also what precautions to be taken during practical sessions and what first aid to be given, when an injury occurs in the lab. The students of Bt.C.Fs. Ist year had organized various seminars, demonstration and interactive sessions as a part of this activity.
Two students had given power point presentations about the various possible accidents and injuries that happen in laboratories, and the safety measures or preventive measures to be taken. This was followed by a skit, performed by a group of students to demonstrate the importance of lab safety. After the skit, students explained about first aid and about precautions to be taken in laboratories, through play cards.
The activity was concluded by an interactive session between the faculty, students, lab assistants and lab attenders where ideas and view were exchanged about the improvements that can be made in the existing practices to enhance the lab safety.
- Awareness programme on Breast cancer by M.Sc students:
Dept. of Chemistry conducted an awareness programme to Non-teaching staff about the “awareness on Breast cancer”. Two students of M.Sc II year, Ms.Harika& Ms. Vaishnavi have explained about the causes, symptoms and treatment of Breast cancer by a power point presentation and also demonstrated about the techniques to be used for self-examination. Four students of M.Sc I year, Ms. Neelima, Ms.Devika, Ms.Kavithabai&Ms.Sucharitha have explained by a poster presentation about the different types of cancer, causes, symptoms and dietary treatment for treating breast cancer and other precautions to be taken for a healthy life style. Around 25 Female Non-teaching staff attended the programme and given a good feed back and also appreciated students for explaining in telugu language and also clearing all their doubts regarding breast cancer.
A ralley was organized on “Drugs of abuse & Youth” on 26th June, 2015 to commemorate International day against Drugs of abuse &Illicit trafficking. The ralley was started at RBVRR Women’s college by The staff (Chemistry & Forensic science) and B.Sc Forensic Science students and proceeded to sundaraiahVignanaVedika and YMCA, Narayanaguda. The main objective of the ralley was to create awareness about drugs of abuse to general public and it was a great success in achieving the goal.
A Rally was organized on 26th June,2015 to create awareness about “Drugs of Abused and Youth” to commemorate International Day Against Drugs of Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.
Extension activity : Practical Demonstration of Food Adulteration
Department of Chemistry conducted an extension activity on 6-8-2023 i.e Demonstration of “Food Adulteration” to 10th class students of Madapati Hanumantha Rao High School. In the Practical demonstration, identification of adulterants in Milk, Turmeric, Chilli powder, Ghee, Sugar ,Ice-cream were shown by experimental methods. The students got awareness about the common adulterants in Food items and how they can be identified by simple chemical reactions.
Outreach Programme at Government high School, Musheerabad :
Objectives: To educate students about the role of Chemistry in day to day life and careers in Chemistry
The Department of Chemistry organized an Outreach programme to Students of Government high School, Musheerabad on 30th June, 2017. The two staff members & 8 M.Sc Organic Chemistry students delivered lectures about the Role of Chemistry in day to day life & Career building with Chemistry to students from 7th to 10th class students. About 200 students attended and got benefitted with this Programme. The students got inspired and shown interest to do further studies. They also promised to take up Chemistry as their subject in the Intermediate.
Extension activity at Durgabhai Deshmukh Vocational Training Centre for mentally & physically retarded children located at Vidyanagar, Hyderabad
- To inculcate love among students.
- To encourage the students on various issues such as love & affection towards others.
- To create awareness in students regarding different types of children like mentally disabled, physically disabled, hearing & talking impairment.
Impact of the activity:
Having decided for an activity at Durgabhai Deshmukh Vocational Training Centre for mentally & physically retarded children located at Vidyanagar, Hyderabad on 19th of August, 2017, two faculty members i.e Suchitha Bandari & K.Prasanna along with 30 of our B.Sc II year students then planned the programme to spread love and affection among children. They conducted various games like blind fold, balloon blowing etc. They also made them to dance along with them by which children felt very happy and they participated enthusiastically. Some children performed small plays which they learned earliar.
Students were successful in making them feel happy by spending time with them and showing love towards them. Children also showed good response towards the activities conducted.
Details of Extension Activities organized
S.No | Year | Extension activity organized | University forum/ College forum/NCC/NSS/Any other | Date |
1. | 2015-16 | One day seminar on “ Drugs of Abuse & Youth”, ”, Dept of Chemistry & Forensic Science R.B.V.R.R Women | Sponsored by NCB ,Hyd. | 26th June, 2015 |
2. | Visit to central forensic science Lboratory,Hyd. For real life exposure to FSL working. | CFSL,Hyd. | 20th jan,2016 | |
3. | 2016-17 | Two day workshop on “ Ethical hacking | 4th & 5th feb, 2017 | |
4. | Visit to Osmania medical College For “Demonstration of Postmortem. | Osmania Medical College,Hyd. | 18thn Feb, 2017 | |
5. | 2017-18 | Workshop on “FINGERPRINTS’’ | college | 12th dec,2017 |
6. | Workshop on “ CYBER Forensics ‘’ | In collaboration with INDIAN SERVERS ‘’ | 26th & 27 th Feb,2018 | |
7. | 2018-19 | Workshop on “ WOMEN & CYBER SECURITY ‘’ | In collaboration with INDIAN SERVERS | 3rd jan,2019 |
8. | Visit to Gandhi medical College For “Demonstration of Postmortem | Gandhi Medical College ,Hyd. | 5th &6th Feb ,2019
Visit to Central Forensic Science laboratory, Hyderabad on 20.1.2016
Osmania Medical college ,Mortuary Visit for demonstration of Post mortem on 18.2.17
Gandhi Medical college ,Mortuary Visit for demonstration of Post mortem on 5/02/2023
Extension Activity By Forensic Students On Awareness Of Counterfeit Currency notes in kachiguda Governemt College.