
Eco Club

Eco Clubs play an important role in creating environmental awareness amongst the future generation.
‘Ecology’ (Environmental Balance Science) word in English, original Greek word ‘Oikas’, suggests relation with the family. There is a similar word in Sanskrit also. ‘Osak’ means ‘Dhar’. That way, Environment also suggests a symbolic relation of global family. So, Ecology means, a science i.e. a branch of science means circumstantial science studying the relations of how animals and plants live.

What is a Eco Club?
It is a voluntary group which promotes the participation of students in learning about, and improving their environment.

Why start a Eco Club?
People today, especially the young people, are concerned about the environment. A Eco Club is a means by which students and youth can organize themselves to learn more about this issue, and also take action to improve their immediate environment.

For teachers, it is a wonderful opportunity to create awareness, build attitudes and help students take up activities in real world, in a way in which the constraints of the classroom and curriculum will not allow.

A Eco Club can thus help to extend the boundaries and scope of the formal educational system, encouraging creativity, and empowering students for constructive action.

How can a Eco Club help in environmental education?

Eco club activities can help the teacher to meet the objectives of Environmental Education, which are to:
* Create awareness and sensitivity among individuals and social groups to the total environment and its allied problems.
* Impart knowledge to help individuals and social groups gain a variety of experiences in and acquire a basic understanding of, the environment and its associated problems.
* Build attitudes to help individuals and social groups acquire a set of values and feelings of concern for the environment, and the motivation for actively participating in environmental improvement and protection.
* Teach skills to help individuals and social groups to identify and solve environmental problems.
* And lead the students towards action to participate in appropriate action to help solve these problems and avoid future problems.

Who can start a Eco Club?
Any group of concerned people can start a Eco Club which gets involved in improving the environment. Clubs can be set up by groups of students within a college or college, by a group in a neighbourhood, or a section within some other social organization.

Is there any support for such activities?
Yes the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India has initiated the National Green Corps scheme to encourage the setting up of such Clubs. There are also several other eco-club programs run by other agencies.

How many students can form a Club?
A comfortable number seems to be 25-35. This number is both large enough for taking up and doing projects which can have a visible impact, and small enough to be manageable.

Teachers often mention that they if they register 40-45 students at the beginning of the year, they may be left 25-30 who are really interested.

The Eco-club guidelines drawn up by the Ministry of Environment and Forests require at least 20 students to be members before a Club can be registered.

How can the Club members feel a part of something special?
Students will gain a special identity if their Club too has an identity. First, of course, the Club must have a name. This name could be selected by the students themselves at the first meeting.

It would also be nice if the Club could have a logo or symbol. This symbol can appear on all Club related items – e.g. dustbins made by Club members and put up in the college; pamphlets they distribute; the bulletin board allotted to them.

This way, other students, teachers, etc., immediately know that a particular activity has been undertaken by the Club.

They could also have a badge/belt/arm band, etc., which they could wear to college (everyday if permitted, or on the Club Meeting Days).

The Club could also have a pledge that all members have to solemnly take and adhere by. The pledge could be developed by the teacher-in-charge along with the members. Rather than being stated in general terms, like a pledge to ‘save the environment’, it would be useful to include in the pledge issues that concern the life and immediate environment of the child, and actions that are actually achievable.

How can the club get maximum support from college authorities?
Ideally, the planning of the Eco Club should be the collective effort of the administration, staff and students. If this is not possible, it is important to ensure that all are kept informed. Having the Principal’s support for Club activities is half the battle won. The teacher-in-charge must keep the Principal informed about the ongoing and proposed activities of the Club. The Principal must be invited to attend special functions of the Club such as the inauguration, an exhibition, etc., as well as occasional meetings of the Club. The Principal could also be requested to brief, or give permission to brief, other teachers and the college staff about the college Eco-Club and its activities. This will be helpful in getting their cooperation, if required. For example, it may be necessary to work with college gardeners or cleaning staff for some projects. In case a project is being planned which needs the cooperation of these staff, it might be a good idea to invite them to one of the meetings when the project is being discussed.

How much contact should the Club have with the rest of the college?
It is most important to let the rest of the college activities. This will not only make the Club members feel important, and more responsible for their actions, it could also motivate other classes to take up similar activities or join/form Clubs.

How can the rest of the college be involved?
One way to do this for the Club to have a space (notice board/blackboard), etc., at a place where the whole college can see it. On this, they can put up reports of activities, photographs, interesting news items, etc. Club members could use the Bulletin Board to run competitions, quizzes, etc., for the other students.
With the Principal’s permission, the Club representatives could report on the activities or present something in the assembly. Putting up an annual exhibition to which all are invited is also a good way of making the Club’s presence felt. Campus, treks, etc. could be more open for the other students also.

The activities under the scheme include:
1. Motivate the students to keep their surroundings green and clean by undertaking plantation of trees. (Forest Department provides free saplings from its 14 nurseries)

2. Promote ethos of conservation of water by minimizing the use of water.
3. Motivate students to imbibe habits and life style for minimum waste generation, source separation of waste and disposing the waste to the nearest storage point.
4. Educate students to create awareness amongst public and sanitary workers, so as to stop the indiscriminate burning of waste which causes respiratory diseases.
5. Sensitize the students to minimize the use of plastic bags, not to throw them in public places as they choke drains and sewers, cause water logging and provide breeding ground for mosquitoes.
6. Organize tree plantation programmes, awareness programmes such as Quiz, essay, painting competitions, rallies, nukkad natak etc. regarding various environmental issues and educate children about re-use of waste material & preparation of products out of waste
7. Organize Nature Trail in Wild Life Sanctuaries/Parks/Forest areas to know about the Bio-diversity

2014 Activities

Inauguration of Eco-club by the Chief guest Hon. Dr. Jeelani sir is planting Medicinal plants


2015      Activities

Students got training in ORGANIC COMPOSTING

Tree plantation by students in 2015

Inter competition in college Rangoli competition

Awareness walk on Global Clean

2016-17 activities Chocolate -making