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Masters in Business Administration -> MBA -> 2 nd Year-> 1 st Semester
Government & Business

The object of the course is to expose students to the changing and emerging public systems scenario and business environment. It aims at managerial problems of commercially oriented public systems. Further, the privatisation and role of Multi-national organisations in areas hither to reserved for public enterprises.

1. Basic philosophy and Ethos of Government as a planner, promoter, developer, entrepreneur and regulator of the economy. Socio-economic objectives of public systems and private business organisations.

2. Government's Policy framework for creating, developing, strengthening and diversifying industrial and economic development. A study of the basic provisions of Industrial Policy Resolutions and Statements. Role of Government under New Economic Policy.

3. Disinvestment Policy: Objectives of Disinvestment. Major components of disinvestment and modus operandi. Role of Disinvestment Commission. Guidelines for valuation of shares for disinvestment. The problem of sickness in Pes - Government Policy.

4. Memorandum of Understanding as a System of Performance Evaluation - Role of Governmental agencies and role of Government. Institutional mechanism for performance evaluation through MOU in India.

5. Role and functioning of Governing Boards of PSUs in India. Need for professionalisation. Composition and working of Boards. Role of Public Enterprise Selection Board. Need for operational autonomy consistent with accountability.

6. Public Enterprise Management : Accountability through Legislative, Executive, Judicial and Quasi-Judicial Agencies - Impact of such control on performance-Problems and issues of PSUs - Remedial measures

7. Regulatory Framework for Private and Foreign Investment: Telecom Regulatory Authority, Central and State Electricity Regulatory Authorities.

8. Corporate Governance and Managerial Ethos: Recommendations of the Cadbury Committee, Desirable Corporate Governance as envisaged by Confederation of Indian Industry.

Suggested Readings:
1. Laxmi Narain: Principles and practice of Public Enterprise, S. Chand & Co., New Delhi, 1996.
2. Reddy, Venugopal Y. Public Enterprise Reforms and Privatisation. Himalaya Publishing House, 1992.
3. George Rosen: Industrial Change in India, 1970-2000, Allied Publishers.
4. Francis Cherunilam: Business & Government, Himalaya Publishing House, 1996.


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