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Masters in Business Administration -> MBA -> 2 nd Year-> 1 st Semester
Human Resource Management

The course aims at providing a clear and comprehensive understanding of basic and major issues and challenges involved in the management of Human Resources and Industrial relations in contemporary organisations. The major areas of staffing, retention, development and adjustment, involving the Human side of the enterprises are sought to be discussed depth.


1. Human Resources Management in Action: Responsibilities and objectives of Human Resources Management. Key Issues involved in Human Resource Management.

2. Human Resource Planning: Recruitment, Selection and Placement Process. Induction Process. Promotion Policy and Process. Methods of Promotion. Human Resources Information Systems. Assessment of Human Resource Requirements.

3. Manpower Development and Planning: Concept and basic Philosophy of Manpower Planning. Methods and techniques of Manpower Planning Role and significance of Career Planning - Impact of Career Management on Productivity. Quality of work Life.

4. Human Resources Development Process: Basic Pre-requisites of Job Description. Job Analysis and Job Evaluation. Job Performance Standards. Elements of Job Design. Job-Restructuring. Job-Rotation. Job Enlargement and Job Enrichment.

5. Role of HRM Department: Its linkage with Top Management. Key role of HRM Department and its chief. A critical analysis of the position and status accorded to HRM/Personnel Chief in Modern organisations. Linkage between HRM Chief and other Functional Executives.

6. Automation and Personnel Management: Impact of automation on Recruitment and selection, Training and Re-training, Salary and Wage Structure.

7. Orientation and Training: Employee Orientation - an Overview - Employee Training and Retraining. Assessing Training Needs and Designing Training Programmes. Objectives of Training Programmes.

8. Appraising Employee Performance: Requirements of Effective Employee Appraisal System. Alternative Methods of Appraising Employee Performance. Problems and Issues in Performance Appraisal. Need for a Balanced Approach. Employee counseling and feedback.

9. Industrial Relations and Industrial Disputes: Basic Principles and guidelines for effective handling of industrial disputes and industrial relations. Role and content of standing orders. Collective bargaining system and its role. Role of Trade Unions.

10. Employee Participation: Significance of involvement and participation Structure and functioning of Joint Management Councils, Works Committees. Basic pre-requisites of Employee participation and its impact on Motivation. Role of Employee Welfare Programs.

Suggested Readings:
1. V.P. Michael: Human Resource Management, Himalaya, 1996.
2. Cascio : Managing Human Resources, 4th Ed. McGraw Hill, New Delhi
3. Flippo : Personnel Management, 6th Ed. McGraw Hill, New Delhi
4. Monappa : Personnel Management, 2nd Ed. TMH, New Delhi, 1994
5. C.B. Memoria: Dynamics of Industrial Relations in India, Himalaya.


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