The objective of this course is to familiarise the student with basic statistical tools and techniques and use of inferential statistics in analising quantitative data.
1. Measurement and Scaling: Concept of measurement and scaling. Need use and importance - Ordinal, nominal, interval and ratio scales.
2. Summarizing of Data: Data collection, Editing, Coding and Reduction. Tabulation and Cross tabulation - Frequency distributions - Presentation of data, graphics, charts, diagrams, frequency curves, histograms and polygons.
3. Statistical measures: Measures of central tendency, Measures of dispersion and measures of skewness.
4. Introduction to Probability: Concepts and definitions of probability - Classical Relative frequency, subjective and axiomatic. Additive and multiplicative theorems. Statistical independence, Marginal, conditional and joint probabilities. Bayes theorem and its applications.
5. Distributions: Random variable, Expectation and Variance; Probability distributions - Binomial, Poisson and Normal distributions.
6. Sampling Theory: Sampling methods, Sample size, Sampling distribution.
7. Hypothesis Testing: Estimating and testing Type-I and Type-II errors, power of the test, Test for means & Proportions in large samples. Small sample tests.
8. Non-Parametric Tests: Chi-square, Mann-Whitney, Signed rank, Median test, Wilcoxon matched pair test.
9. Analysis of Variance: One way and two ways (with and without interaction).
10. Correlation and Regression, Concepts, Tests and Analyses. Coefficient of determination.
11. Time Series Analysis : Components and Models of Time series - Additive, Multiplicative and Mixed models - Trend analysis, Semi averages, moving averages, Least Square methods
Suggested Readings: 1. Levin R.I. Rubin. D.S. : Statistics for Management, PHI, New Delhi 1994 (5th Edition) 2. Gupta S.C. : Fundamentals of Statistics, Himalaya Publishing house, Bombay 1996 (8th Edition) 3. Freund J.F. : Modern Elementary Statistics, Prentice Hall International New Delhi - 1985 4. Gupta S.C. and Kapoor V.K. : fundamentals of Mathematics and statistics, Sultan Chand & Co., New Delhi.