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Masters in Business Administration -> MBA -> 2 nd Year-> 1 st Semester
Principles of Marketing

The objective of this course is to provide the student with conceptual frame work of marketing in an organisation and to develop skills in decision making, operation and implementation of marketing functions.

1. Basic concepts - Marketing, Market, Marketing mix, marketing programme and marketing strategy - Marketing system and marketing environment - Technological, economic, cultural and public policy.

2. Market segmentation, target marketing and product positioning, customer value and satisfaction. Value delivery and relationship marketing.

3. Demand measurement and sales forecasting.

4. Marketing programme: Decision involved in product, branding, packaging, pricing, promotion mix and distribution - Sales force management, advertisement Concept of PLC.

5. Consumer marketing, Industrial marketing and services marketing. Problems and perspectives.

6. Marketing organisation and marketing control. Annual plan control, efficiency control, profitability control and strategic control.

7. Marketing ethics and consumerism.

Suggested Readings:
1. Kotler Philip & Armstrong Gary Principles of Marketing, 7th Ed., Prentice Hall India (3 E services ) 1997
2. Ramaswamy V.S., Namakumari S. : Marketing Management - The Indian Context. Macmillan India Ltd., 1995.
3. Stanton J. Williams & Futrell Charles: Fundamentals of Marketing: McGraw Hill International Editions. New-York 1987
4. Neelamegham S. Marketing in India, Cases and Readings: Vikas Publishing House New-Delhi 1988.


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