The Course deals with the nature of organizations and the process and practice of Management. It is designed to provide students an understanding of the basic organization and management concepts, principles and their growing significance.
UNIT I.Introduction: Organisation and the need for Management. Factors contributing to the increasing significance of management. Relationship between management theory and management practice. The challenges in management. Need for Management.Perspective on Management Evolution and Development: Scientific Management - Frederick W. Taylor, Henry Fayol, Frank and Lillian Gilbert Human relations Approach : (Elton Mayo's Hawthorne Experiments, Douglas McGregor's Theory 'X' and 'Y' and William ouch’s Theory 'Z' - The Behavioral approach. Contingency Approach.3.Contemporary Approaches to Management Theory: Contribution of Tom Peters; Rossabeth Moss Kanter, Prahalad & Sumantra Ghoushal, Peters Lenge. 4.Management Process and Functions: Nature and description of management process. Managerial Functions - Managerial Planning - Organising, Staffing, Directing, Coordinating and controlling. UNIT II: Organisational Processes and Concepts: Power and Authority. Delegation and Decentralisation - Centralisation and Re-Centralisation. Concepts of line and staff. Nature and structure of Organisation - Functional organisation. Product Organisation, Matrix organisation Hierarchy, Span of Control, Unity of Command and Unity of direction.communication process and techniques.Methods and techniques of communication.Barriers to effective communication- Transaction Analysis(TA) UNIT III: 6.Decision Making Process and Techniques: Nature of managerial decision making. Problem and opportunity finding. Rational model of decision making. Challenges to the rational model. Improving the effectiveness of decision making Tools and Techniques. Techniques of Decision making - Stages in Decision making process. UNIT V: Leadership Dynamics in Organisations: Important theories of leadership. Traits theory. Management Grid. Transformational, Life Cycle & Path Road theories. 8.Communication Process and Techniques: Importance of communication Process. Inter-Personal communication - Methods and techniques of communication. Barriers to effective communication, forms of communication and role of / and skills for grapevine - Interpersonal communication - Transactional analysis.
Suggested Readings:
1.Weihrich & Koontz: Essentials of Management, TMH, New Delhi, 1996.
2.Paul Hersey & Ken Blanchard: Management of Organisational Behaviour PHI, New Delhi, 1995.
3.Hawthorne V. Butler: Organisation 7 Management, Theory & Practice. PH International, 1987.
4.Miner B Jhon: Organisational Behaviour: Performance & Productivity: Random House, New York, 1990.
5.Massie L. Joseph: Essentials of Management, PHI, New Delhi, 1995.