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M.Sc (Computer Science) -> M. Sc (Computer Science) -> 1 st Year-> 3 rd Semester
Distributed Systems

Architecture of distributed systems, issues in distributed os ,inherent limitation of distributed system, logical classs, global state, distributed- shared memory, implementation algorithm memory reference, design issues, distributed scheduling, load distributed algorithm.

Failure recovery, classification of failures, basic approaches, check pair, fault-tolerance, commit protocols, voting protocols, concurrency controls, lock time safe ordering

Windows NT overview-shutdown, objects manger and security, NT executive objects, managing objects, protecting objects – processes and thread – multithreading and multiprocessing, multithreading thread object synchronization, alerts and asynchronization procedure calls

The virtual memory manager: sharing, protecting and virtual memory implementation - Thread scheduling and dispatching, interrupt and exception handling system service - dispatching, multi processor synchronization.

Text Book:
1. Custer Helen, inside windos nt, Microsoft press.
2. M.Singhal and H.G.Shivarathi, Advanced concepts in operating system


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