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M.Sc (Computer Science) -> M. Sc (Computer Science) -> 1 st Year-> 3 rd Semester
Parallel Programming

Elements of parallel computer architecture, review of pipelines and multiprocessor architectures. Topologies of parallel architectures , topologies of parallel architectures, network operating system, distributed operating systems, operating systems for parallel computing, decomposition techniques for parallel programming.

Data parallelism, basic operations, automatics parallelisation, controlling and exploiting data placement.
Shared variable approach. Creating and coordinating process scheduling and mapping parallel programmes, parallel I/O systems

Message passing approach, channels, procedural message passing system, generating communications, generative model.

Parallel programming languages and algorithms, von newmann-type languages and non – von newmann type languages, parallel c++, fortran k programming language. The client – server model, file servers, name and directory servers, e-mail sever. Distributed database systems, introduction concepts, distribution problem, queries and updates in DDBs, failures example systems.

Text Book:

1. Gregory V Wilson, Practical Parallel Programming PHI
2. Joel M.Chichlow An introduction to distributed and parallel computing


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