UNIT I: Elements of parallel computer architecture, review of pipelines and multiprocessor architectures. Topologies of parallel architectures , topologies of parallel architectures, network operating system, distributed operating systems, operating systems for parallel computing, decomposition techniques for parallel programming.
UNIT II: Data parallelism, basic operations, automatics parallelisation, controlling and exploiting data placement. Shared variable approach. Creating and coordinating process scheduling and mapping parallel programmes, parallel I/O systems
UNIT III: Message passing approach, channels, procedural message passing system, generating communications, generative model.
UNIT IV: Parallel programming languages and algorithms, von newmann-type languages and non – von newmann type languages, parallel c++, fortran k programming language. The client – server model, file servers, name and directory servers, e-mail sever. Distributed database systems, introduction concepts, distribution problem, queries and updates in DDBs, failures example systems.
Text Book:
1. Gregory V Wilson, Practical Parallel Programming PHI 2. Joel M.Chichlow An introduction to distributed and parallel computing