UNIT I: Introduction and elementary data structures order notation analysis of algorithm review of elementary data structures Head and Heapspot Hashing sets representation UNION, FIND operation
Unit II: Divide and conquer and the greedy model the general method ,binary search, finding maximum and minimum merge sort quick sort and selction sort knapsack problem optimal storage on tapes, job sequencing with deadlines optimal merge pattern, minimum spanning trees and single source shortest pattern.
UNIT IIII: Dynamic programming and transversal techniques multistage graphs ,all pairs shortest pattern optimal binary search trees I/O knapsack reliability design, traveling sales man problem game trees, biconnected components and depth first search.
UNIT IV: Back tracking and branch bound technique 8 queens problems graph coloring, Hamiltorian cycles-knapsack problems, i/o kanpsack problems, traveling sales person problems, lower-bound theory. NP-Hard and NP-Completeness, basic concepts, cooks theorem NPHard Graph problem and scheduling problem NPHard code generation problem decision problem node covering theorem. Text book: E.Horowitz and s.sahini, fundamentals of computer algorithm, galgotia publications A.V. Aho, J.V.Hopcraft and J.D.Ullman, The design and analysis of computer algorithm, Addison Wesley publication