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M.Sc (Computer Science) -> M. Sc (Computer Science) -> 1 st Year-> 2 nd Semester
Lab 1: Network Programming

1. Socket Creation programme using Socket Pair( ) System Call
2. Stream Server Programme
3. Stream Client Programme

4. "Listener" Programme
5. "Talker" Programme
6. Time of the day service connection oriented server
7. Remote File Access implementation
8. Remote Log on implementation
9. Ping Service implementation
10. "Time out Error" implementation
11. File sharing service

12. Unidirectional data flow over Error free Channel communication
13. Unidirectional data flow over Noisy Channel Communication
14. Unidirectional data flow over unreliable channel communication
15. Unidirectional data flow over (sliding window) vi-directional data flow communication

Note: All the programmes should be implemented in 'C'


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