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M.Sc (Computer Science) -> M. Sc (Computer Science) -> 1 st Year-> 1st Semester
Lab 2 - Unix & C++

A) Shell programme
1. using 'case', 'then' and 'if'' loop
2. to identify the type of a given file
3. in process communicating using pipes
4. to wish to use 'Good Morning' and 'Good Evening' depending on the time
B) Programmes using system calls
5. implementation of CP (Copy) command of a UNIX
6. to create a child process using for K ( ) and exece ( ) system calls
7. Process communication using signals
8. To convert upper case to lower case letters of a given ASCII file

II. C++ ( 8 programmes )
1. Write C++ program to determine tomorrow's date
2. Write C++ program for multiplication of two matrices by overloading various operators (such as *, >>,<<)
3. (a) Write C++ program using operator overloading to concantenate two strings.
(b) Write C++ program overloading assignment operator.
4. Write C++ program by declaring and using virtual functions for
Generating random numbers
5. Write C++ program to generate window with a menubar
6. By using polymorphism concept to write C++ Program to draw different shapes (Ex. Rectangle, through etc…..)
7. Write C++ program that opens a file, writes as many objects as the user wants and reads displays the entire contents of the file
8. Write C++ program to search a value using binary search method.


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