I. MICROPROCESSORS 1. Fixed-point multiplication and division 2. Floating-point multiplication and division 3. Waveform generating programme 4. A/D connector module, the required analog signal is provided from a signal generator. Programme to implement sixty second counter and display the counting sequence in the data filed. Use timer 2 of the 8253 to interrupt microprocessor every 20 msec. 5. Creating a COM programme and debugging. 6. Screen and Keyboard processing. 7. String operations 8. Printing programme using BIOS interrupt 9. File operations
Note : Programmes 1 to 5 on 8085 kits and programmes 6 to 10 using MASM or TASM
II. COMPUTER GRAPHICS 10. Line drawing algorithms-DDA and Bresenham's method 11. Circle andeclipse drawing algorithms- parametric and Bresenham's method 12. Algorithm for polygon inside tests and testing convexity 13. Polygon filling using scan conversion method 14. Transformation on 2-d composite objects 15. Line clipping algorithms-choen Sutherland out code method and parametric methods 16. Polygon clipping using Sutherland-Hodgman method 17. 3-d transformation on a cube 18. Bezier curves drawing