1. Images processing as picture analysis - the advantages of interactive graphics - representative uses of computer graphics - Classification of applications - Development of hardware and software for computer graphics - conceptual frame work for interactive graphics programming in the SRGP - Drawing with SRGP - Basic interaction handling - Raster graphics features - limitations of SRGP - Basic Raster graphics algorithms for drawing 20 primitives - Scan converting lines, circles, ellipses - Filling rectangles, polygons, ellipse arcs - thick primitives - Clipping in a Raster world - Clipping lines, circles and ellipses, polygons - SRGP - Copy Pixel - Hardcopy Technologies - Display Technologies - Raster - Scan display systems - Video controller - Input devices for operator interaction.. [Chapters 1 to 4].
2. Geometrical transformations - 2D Transformations - homogenous coordinates and matrix representation of 2D Transformations - Composition of 2D transformations - the Window-to-viewpoint transformation - efficiency - matrix representation and composition of 3D transformations - Viewing inplaner geometric projections - Input devices - Interaction Hardware - Basic interaction tasks - Composite interaction tasks dialogue design - the form and content of user - computer dialogues - Modes and syntax - visual design - the design methodology. [Chapters 5, 6, 8 and 9]
3. User interface Software - Basic interaction - handling models - Window Management systems - Output and input handling in Window - systems interaction - Technique Toolkits - Polygonal meshes - Parametric Cubic Curves and bicubic surfaces - Quadric surfaces - Representing solids regularised Boolean set operations - primitive instancing - sweep and boundary representators - Spatial - partitioning representations - User intercaces for solid modelling - Achromatic light -Chromatic colour - Colour MODELS FOR Raster graphics using colour in computer graphics. [Chapter 10, 11, 12 and 13]
4. The quest for visual realism - rendering techniques for line drawings and shade images - stereopsis - improved displays - Aliasing and antialising -visible surface algorithms - the Z-Buffer, List-priority, Scan-line and area-sub division algorithms - Algorithms for Octrees and curved surfaces - shading models for polygons - shadows - Interobject reflections - Spectoral sampling - improving camera model - Global illumination algorithms - filtering - image processing - Multipass transformations - Image compositing - Mechanisms for image storage. [ Chapter 14 to 17 ]
Text Book: James D.Foley, Andries Van Dam, Steven K. Feiner and John F. Hughes, Computer Graphics, Principles and Practice. Addison Wesley Publishing Co.
Reference Book: 1) Hearn Donald and Pauline Baker, Computer Graphics, Prentice Hall of India Second Edition, 1995.
2) Steven Harrigton, Computer Graphics-a programming approach, Second Edition, Mc Graw Hill Book Co., 1987.