I. Fundamentals of object - Oriented programming necessity for object - Oriented programming data abstraction - Procedural abstraction combined data and procedural abstraction - object. Encapsulation inheritance. Polymorphism. Virtual functions and implementation. Classes pointer to objects. Pointers to a class.
II. Data structures in object oriented Environment Abstract data types. Static and dynamic variables vectro and pointer variables. Multi-diamentional vectors. Linked binary trees. Object and sortable object classes abstract array and sorted array. Persistences in object - Oriented Programming environment.
III. C++ programming variables and constants. Expressions and Statements operators relational operators functions. Incline functions, recursion. The stack members and functions. Classes and Constructors and distructors.
IV. Pointers references stack and free store. Over loading arrays Inheritance. Multiple inheritances. Special classes and function Advanced inheritance Friend classes and friend functions, streams and Files.
Text Book 1. Probal Sengupta & B.B.Chaudhuri - Object - Oriented Programming - Fundamentals & Application, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1998. [chapter 1,2 & 4]
2. Jesse Liberty and Jim Keogh, C++ an introduction to programming, prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1998. [chapter 2 to 15]
REFERENCE BOOK: K.R.Venugopal, T.Ravishankar and Rajkumar, Mastering C++ Tata MC Graw Hill Publishing Co., LTD, New Delhi, 1997.