UNIT-I Mathematical logic and proof propostions new proposition from old ones algorithms,truth tables and tautologies equilent propositions the conditions and biconditions argument And proofs predicate logic logic and electric circuits boolean algebra bolean function some applications minimization.
Unit II : Graph Theory Basic ideas and Definitions Planer Graphics Connectivity - Computer Reresentations of Graphs Directed and Trees Paths, cycle etc. Dirjkstras - Algorithm.
Unit III : Elementary Combinations Basic of Counting Combinations And ermutations Their Enumeration With Repetition Engineering Permutations with curtained repetitions Binomial Coefficients of the Binomial and Multinomial Theorem The Principle of inoculation exclusion.
Unit IV : Recurrence Relation Generating functions of sequence Calculating Coefficients of generating functions Recurrence relations Solving recurrence relations by substitution and generating the methods of characteristic roots Solving of Homogenous Linear RR.
Text book : Stephen A.Witala, Discrete Mathematics , A Unified Approach Mc Graw hill international edition,computer science series, 1987.
Joe.l.Mott,Abraham Kandel Theodore P.Baker; Discrete Mathematics, Printice Hall, NJ,1986
Reference Book : Kenneth H. Rosen; Discrete Mathematics, Mc Graw Hill International Editions.