UNIT I: Service concepts – scope of services Goods-Services continnum.4 I’S of Services Goods and Services Categorisation.Industrial Services.
UNIT II: Understanding Service Market – Consumer and Organizational behavior Segmentation target Market and positioning – Customer expectations and perceptions of services.
UNIT III: Service marketing Mix Product, Pricing, Place, Promotion, Peaople, Physical evidence and process. Service Quality – Dimensions of quality. Understanding Quality Management. Measuring service Quality.
UNIT IV: Strategies for Marketing – Overview, Strategies for dealing with intangibility, inventory, inconsistency and inseperabilty, Building customer Relationship through Segmentation and retention Strategies.
Suggested Readings: 1.Zeithaml Valore A. and Bitner Mary : services Marketing TMH 2000 2.Rampal M.K and Gupta S.I:service Marketing, Concepts application and cases,Galgotta 3.Publishing Company, New Delhi 2000 4.Ronald T.Rust Anthony J.Zoharik and Timothy L Keiningham; Service Marketing, Addison Wesely, 1999 5.Payne: The Essence of SERVICES marketing PHI 1999