UNIT I: Introduction to consumer Behaviour –Importance of studying consumer behaviour-Individual determinants of consumer behaviour –Personality-Theories of Personality-Relevance of personality in understanding consumer behaviour – Perception –The role of perception in consumer behaviour – Role of Motivation and Attitudes in consumer behaviour.
UNIT II: The process of Learning and consumer behaviour – Basic principle of learning –Behaviour learning theories – Classic conditioning, Instrumental conditioning – Cognitive learning theory-Information Processing, Limited and Extensive Information Processing-Involvement Theory – Communication and consumer behaviour.
UNIT III: Environmental influences in consumer behaviour, culture ,sub-culture and Cross Cultural influences in consumer behaviour. Social class-Nature, measurement and categorization. Social class and consumer behaviour
UNIT IV: Group influences in consumer behaviour – Reference groups – Types and Nature of Reference groups. Reference group influences on consumer behaviour. Household decision making-Functions of the family –Family life cycle –Family purchasing decisions-Group communications: Options leadership process and diffusion processes.
UNIT V: Consumer decision process : problem recognition, search and evalution, purchasing process and post purchase behaviour –Models of consumer behaviour-Case in consumer Behaviour.
Suggested readings: 1. Loudon & Bitta:Consumer Behaviour,Tata McGraw Hill 2000. 2. Peter & Olson : Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Strategy McGraw Hill, Fifth Ed 1999. 3. Schiffman & Kanuk : Consumer Behaviour,PHI,sixth Ed 1997.