The objective of this paper is to help to acquire fundamental knowledge of Accounting & their applications.
UNIT VI scientific management meaning phases contribution-criticism
UNIT VII Management Meaning definition features importance functions Henry Fayols Principles Management.
UNIT VIII Planning - Meaning need importance l imitations .Types of plans. Authority , Power, distinction. Delegation Meaning, need, barriers to delegation of authority.
UNIT IX Line and staff Relationships meaning difference between line and staff causes for conflict-suggestions to reduce conflicts. span of supervision Meaning Factors affecting span of supervision.
UNIT X Co-ordination Meaning - need Principles Techniques. Control process Meaning steps Requirement of good control system.
Suggested readings
Management ,A System Approach : Koontz & o Donnel Management,Tasks,Responsiblities : Peter,C.Druker. and Practices Management : Stonier A.F. James. Business Organisation and Management : Y.K.Bhushan. Business Organisation and Management : C.B.Gupta Business Organisation and Management : R.K.Sharma & Shashi K.Gupta Business Organisation and Management : Jagdish Prakash.