Unit-1 Introduction to software project management Overview of project planning Project evaluation Selection of an appropriate project approach Software effort estimation Activity planning
Unit-2 Risk management Resource allocation Monitoring and control Managing contracts Managing people and organizing teams Software quality
Unit-3 UML-Introduction Structure modeling-Classes,relationships,common mechanisms, diagrams ,class diagrams, Advanced classes, advanced relationships,interfaces,types and roles,packages,instances,object diagrams Behavioral modeling-interactions, use cases, use case diagrams, interaction diagrams, activity diagrams, events and signals, state machines, processes and threads, time and space, state chart diagrams Architectural modeling-Components,deployment,collaborations,patterns and frameworks, component diagrams, deployment diagrams, systems and models
Unit-4 Unified software process-fundamentals,structure,organizing along time and content, role Activity,workflow,content Core workflows-Business modeling ,environment, project management, requirements
Unit-5 Unified process-analysis &design;,test,implementation,deployment,configuration and Change management
Suggested reading Bob Hughes, mike cotterell-software project management-2nd edition Ivar Jacobson, Grady booch and James Rum Baugh-The Unified software development process,addision 1999 Booch,Rumbaugh,Jacobson-The Unified Modeling Language-user guide,Addition1999