UNIT-I Economics Activities-distinction between economic and non-economic activities-Definition,scope,significance ,Nature of Economics-Micro,Mcro normative and positive.Economics Analysis-utility Analysis-Law of Diminishing.Marginal utility-Law of Equi Marginal utility-Consumers surplus.
UNIT-II DEMAND ANALYSIS: Meaning of demand-types of demand Individual company market and industry of demand derived demand-Demand Function –Law of demand Elasticity of Demand-Factors influencing elasticity of demand.
UNIT-III THEORY OF PRODUCTION Production functions ,factors of production-Law of variable proportions,Returns production and internal and external economics of scale –cost-output relation –cost and revenue functions and . concepts –Law of supply and elasticity of supply.
UNIT-IV MARKET STRUCTURE AND PRICING Meaning and significance of price-price determination under different competitive market conditions –pricing in perfect competion-Equilibrium of pricing and industry in the short and long run-pricing under monopoly –pricing under different conditions –Discriminating monopoly.
UNIT V CONCEPTS OF MONOPOLISTIC COMPETETION –setting cost-works Of monopolistic competition-digopoly-kinky demand curve –diopoly.
BUSSINESS ECONOMICS SEMESTER-II 2001-2002 BCOM (regular,professional,computers)
UNIT-I managerial productivity theary of distribution –modern thery of distribution .Theories of rent modern theory of rent wages subsistence theory .Marginal productivity theory and modern theory.
UNIT-II Interest ,classical loan able funds and kerynesian theries of interest .Profits –dynamic uncertainity,Risk and schumpelies theries of profits.
UNIT-III Definition AND PHASES OF business cycles,caused sequences and weakness to solve problems arising out of business cycles .National income Definition and computation difficulties in measurement of national income with references to India significance of national income.
UNIT-IV Theories of international trade. Need for international trade.Comparative cost theory.ohhius theary.Trade agreements bilateral multi lateral trade .Balance of trade and Balance of trade and balance of payments.Disequilibrium in balance of payments causes.measures to correct equilibriums Role of WTO in productivity international .
UNIT V Determination of income and employment classical theory.Keynis theory.Pricipal of effective demand. Consumption function Investment function multiplication.
Books recommended :
1. Mithan and Murthy :Fundamentals of Bussiness Economics 2.K.K Dewell Modern Economics theory 3.K.P.M Sundaram Bussiness Economics 4.M.L Seth Principals of Economics 5.M.L. Jhingan Macro Economics Theory 6. R.D. Gupta Macro Economics Theory 7.M.L. Jhingan International Trade 8.H.G. Mankur International Trade 9.M.L. Seth International Trade 10.Kindhberga International Trade 11.matidward Shapiro Macro Economics Analysis