UNIT I : Animal cell Biotechnology
Overview of Animal Biotechnology Mammation cell culture Special features of animal cell metabolism Cloning and the production of transgenic animals Bioreactors for the large scale culturing of animal cells for the production of therapeutics and r-Vaccines, monoclonal antibodies and growth factors. UNIT II : Plant Biotechnology
Overview of Plant Biotechnology Special features of Plant cell metabolism Secondary metabolic products of plant cells culturing of plant cells and their regeneration Micropopagation Commercially useful compounds produced through cultivation of cell cultures Production of transgenics and their use in industry and agriculture
UNIT III : Microbial Biotechnology Overview of Microbial Biotechnology Commercial productions fuels and fire Chemicals by microbial fermentation Production of Enzymes Production of foods and dairy products Production of antibodies and other healthcare products
UNIT IV : Environmental Biotechnology
Overview of Environmental Biotechnology Resources for energy – Renewable and non-renewable resources Conventional energy sources and their impact on environment Non-conventional energy resources – Biogass, Microbial Hydrogen , Solor energy Microbiological quality of water and milk Microbiological treatment of sewarage and industrial effluents Microbial degradation of pesticides and toxicants Microbial – ore leaching Biopesticides and Biofertilizers
UNIT V : Medical Biotechnology
Overview of Medical Biotechnology Human Genome Project - Research Stem cell Current status of gene cloning – problems and prospects Human Gene products for therapy Insulin Growth hormones Plasmogen activators Erythro poietin Factor VIII Genetherapy DNA finger printing