U nit –I Metabolism of Carbohydrates:
Glycolysis: Glycolytic pathway, Production of ATP, 2-3 Diphosphoglycerate cycle, Oxidation of pyruvate to acctylco A, Encrgetics of glycolysis, Alcohol formentation, Regulation of hexo kinase, Substrate linked phosphorylation. TCA Cycle: Regulation of TCA Cycle, Energetics, Anoplerotic reactions of TCA. Gluconeogenesis: Gluconeogenetic pathway, Glyoxylate Cycle, Cori’s cycle. Glycogenolysis: Gylcogenolytic pathway, Regulation of glycogen in Muscle and liver, Activation and inactivation of phosphorylase. Glycogenesis: Gylcogenesis pathway, De-branching and branching enzymes, Glycogen storage disease. HMP-Shunt: Hexose Monophosphate pathway, Importance in RBC and significance of HMP Shunt. Metabolism of other Hexoses and glycol: Metabolisms of fructose, Mannose, Galactose, Sorbitol, Glycerol and amino-sugars.
Mobilization of fats: Hormones trigger Mobilization of stored Triacyl glycerols.
Fatty acid Oxidation: Beta-Oxidation of fattyacids(palmitic acid)Energitics of fatty acid oxidation, Oxidation of odd-Carbon fatty acids, Metabolism of unsaturated fatty acids.
Ketone bodies: Ketosis, Ketogenesis, Ketolysis, Factors affecting Ketogenesis.
Biosynthesis of Fatty acids: Synthesis of Fatty acids in the extra- mitochondrial and mitochondrial fractions of the cells, Enzyme complexes, Chain elongation of fats, Biosynthesis of fats(triglycerides)
Unit-III Amino Acids:
General aspects of Amino acids: Structures of amino acids and classification.
Metabolism of Aminoacids: Conversion of alpha-aminoacids to alpha-Ketoacids, Anabolism and catabolism of Tryptophan, Phenylalanine, Tyrosine, Cysteine and Cystine. Glucogenic & Keto genicamino acids, Transamination, Transmethylation, Decarboxylation, Oxidative deamination with examples. Transaminases and other enzymes useful in medical diagonosis, Disorders of amino acid metabolism (Phenylketone urea and albinism).
Metabolism of ammonia: Formation of ammonia from glutamate, Toxicity of ammonia. Glutamine & alanine as carries of ammonia.
Urea cycle : Formation of urea, Ornithine cycle, Oxaloacetate pathway genetic defects in Urea cycle.
Unit IV
Molecular Genetics :
Structure of Nucleic acids: Storage of genetic Information, Distinctive base composition of DNA, Double helix, unusual structural sequence of DNA, Polypeptide chains are coded from mRNA, Complex structures of RNA. Genes & Units of genetic structure: The size and sequence structure of DNA molecules, Eukaryotic, Viral and Bacterial DNA, Many genes make a chromosome, one gene-one enzyme hypothesis, Interons and exons. Genetic code: Triplet code, History, Characters & features of genetic code, Natural variations in the Genetic code.
Gene expression & Regulation: Principles of Gene regulation of proteins, Prokaryotic genes with respect of Lac Operon, Regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes with respect to Lac Operon.