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Bachelor of Commerce -> B.Com VOCATIONAL -> Ist Year-> no semester


1. Need, Scope and Characteristics of entrepreneurship, 2 special schemes for technical entrepreneurs, STED

2. Identification of opportunities 1

3. Exposure to demand based, resource based, service based, 2
Service based, Import substitute and export promotion

4. Market Survey Techniques. 2

5. Need scope & approaches for project formulation 1

6. Criteria for principles of product selection and development 2

7. Structure of project report 3

8. Choice of technology, plant and equipment 3

9. Institutions, financing procedure and financial incentives. 2

10. Financial ratios and their significance 2

11. Books of accounts, financial statements and funds flow 4

12. Energy requirements & utilization 2

13. Resource management men, machine and materials 2

14. Critical path method (CPM) & project evaluation review 3 techniques (PERT) as planning tools for establishing SSI.

15. a) Creativity and innovation 1
b) Problem solving approach 1
c) Strength weakness opportunity and threat (SWOT) 1

16. Techno-economic feasibility of project 3

17. Plant layout and process planning for the project 3

18. Quality control/quality assurance and testing of product. 3

19. Elements of marketing and sales management 4

20. a) Nature of product and market strategy 2
b) Packaging and advertising 2
c) After sales service 2

21. Costing and pricing 2

22. Management of self and understanding human behaviour 2

23. Sickness in small-scale industries and their remedial measures. 2

24. Coping with uncertainties, stree management and positive 2

25. a) Licensing, registration 1
b) Municipal bye laws and insurance coverage 2

26. Important provisions of Factory Act, Sales of Goods Act, 4
Partnership act.

27. a) Dilution control 1
b) Social responsibility and business ethics 2

28. Income tax, Sales tax and excise rules 2


1. Conduct of mini market survey Data collection through
(one day exercise) through questionnaire
and personal visits.

2. Entrepreneurial Motivation Training Through games, role
playing discussions and

3. a) Working capital and fixed capital Practice
assessment and management
b) Exercise on working capital and Practice
fixed capital calculation

4. a) Analysis of sample project report Discussion
b) Breakeven analysis Practice

5. Communication written and oral Practice


1. Deshpande M.V Entrepreneurship of small-scale industries:
concept, growth and management. Deep &
Deep publication, D-1/24, Rajouri Garden,
New Delhi – 110027.1984.

2. Mc Clelland dc The Achieving Society.Princeton,N.J.D.Van
Nostrand Co., N.Y.1961.

3. Meredith G, Nelsonreet Practice of Entrepreneurship, ILO, Geneva,

4. Pareek .U & Rao T.V Personal Efficacy in Developing
Entrepreneurship. Learning system,
New Delhi 1982.

5. Rao T.V & Pareek . U Developing Entrepreneurship-a handbook,
Learning systems, New Delhi-1982.

6. Vyas J.N Planning an Industrial unit 1, Neelkunj
Neelkanth Park, Opp. Navarangpura,

7. Welsh J.A & Jery F.W Entrepreneurs Master Planning Guide –
Howto lanch a Success ful Business.
Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs. 1983.

8. Department of Indus- Incentives & Concessions for setting up
trial Development industries in backward areas. Dept. of
Industrial Development, Govt. of India, New

9. Entrepreneurship A Handbook for New Entrepreneurs(with
Development Institute special reference to S&T; group) Entrepre-
of India neurship Development Institute of India.


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