UNIT – I: Importance of the sales force and its management.
UNIT – II: Functions of sales manager, Recruitment and selection, Training and direction, motivation and compensation, appraisal of performance.
UNIT – III: Sales force size, organization of the sales department, geographic, product wise, market based.
UNIT – IV: Sales planning and control: Market analysis and sales forecasting. Methods of forecasting sales.
UNIT- V: Sales Budget: Importance, Process of sales budget, uses of sales budget.
UNIT – VI: Sales territory: Considerations in allocation of sales territory
UNIT – VII: Sales Quota: Objectives, principles of selling sales quota administration of sales quota. Uses of sales quota.
UNIT – VIII: Sales and cost analysis: uses and methods.
Suggested Readings:
1. Stanten and Buskirk: Management of the sales force(Richard D. Itwin)
2. Philip Kotler : Marketing Management 7th Ed. (Prentice Hall of India) chap.24.