I. Introduction : Nature Scope Marketing concept and the role of consumer consumer decision process the consumer and the law of diminishing marginal utility the indifference approach analysis consumer and the market demand.
II. Learning theory Law of Effect the learning process drives cued stimuli role of reinforcement extinction generalization discrimination advertising effect brand loyalty. Perception concept role perceptual mapping perceived risk and cognitive processes attribution process.
III. Consumer Motivation Frendian theory SR Approach Trait and factor theories personality and consumer behaviour self concept life style social character. IV. Attitude concept components of attitudes development of attributes cognitive diminance attitudinal change and behaviour change group influences group conformity reference groups and their relevance opinion leadership class and culture social satisfaction warners six class system social class and consumer behaviour. V. Consumer behaviour models : Marshallian Pavolvian veblianian Maslow Howard Sheth Buyer Behaviour Models.
Reference Books:
1. Bennelt .D. Peter ; Kassarjian H. Harold : Consumer Behaviour, Prentice Hall of India, N.Delhi, 1987.
2. Engel F. James Davodt Kollat, Roger D.Black : Consumer Behaviour, Hdt. Rinehart and Winton Inc. 69, N.York.
3. John Sftoward, Jagdish N. Seth : Theory of Buyer Behaviour, John Wiley Sons Inc. 69, N. York.
VI - Introduction : Concept of Marketing Research Steps in conducting marketing research marketing research marketing research as a cost incurring functioning marketing information system applications of M.R. Limitations of M.R. Threats to M.R.
VII - Marketing Research Management : Qualities of marketing research manager organizing marketing research function evaluation and control of M.R. and marketing management the research problem the research design sources of data sample design and size field survey data collection types of research design criterion of research design.
VIII - Scaling Techniques : concept of attitude types of scales criterion for good test some selected attitude scales : Paired comparison scale thurstons scale summated rating scale scalogram analysis Intensity function summantic differential limitations of attitude measurement.
IX - Introduction conditions for a successful interview the interviewers task interviewing errors selection, training and supervision of interviewers informal interviewing focus, group interviewing use of projective methods in interviewing.
X - Report Writing : considerations Type of reports preparation of report _ report format principles of writing a report feedback on the report.
Reference Books:
1. Marketing Research : G.C.Beri
2. Marketing Research : Goyal
3. Marketing Research : Majumdar
4. Marketing Research : D.Sharma
5. Marketing Research : N.K. Agarwal - Cases
6. Marketing Research : Boyd