I - Advertising Media, Types of media, Print media, (News Paper and magazines, Pamphlets, posters and brochures), Electronic media (Radio, television, audio visuals, cassettes), other media (direct mail, outdoor media), their characteristics, merits and limitations. Media Exhibitions and mela. Press conference.
II - Media Planning. Selction of media category. Their reach, frequency and impact. Cost and other factors influencing the choice of media.
III - Media Scheduling
IV - Evaluation of advertising effectiveness. Importance and difficulties. Methods of measuring advertising effectiveness. Pretesting and post – testing. Communication effect. Sales effects. V - Regulation of advertising in India. Misleading and deceptive advertising and false claims.
VI - Advertising agencies. Their role and importance in advertising. Their organization patterns, functions, selection of advertising agency. Agency commission and fee.
VII - Advertising department. Its functions and organization.
Suggested Readings :
Same as for Paper –2 (relevant chapters)
I - Nature and importance of personal selling. Door to Door selling situations where personal selling is more effective than advertising.
II - Cost of advertising Vs Cost of personal selling.
III - AIDA model of selling. Types of selling situations. Types of sales persons.
IV - Buying motives. Types of markets. Consumer and industrial markets, their characteristics and implications for the selling function.
V - Process of effective selling; prospecting, pre-approach, approach, presentation and demonstration, handling and objections. Closing and sale post – sale activities.
VI - Qualities of the successful sales person with particular reference To consumer services.
VII - Selling as a career, advantages and differences measures for making selling an attractive career.
VIII - Distribution network relationship.
IX - Reports and documents; sale manual, order besk, cash memo tour dairy and periodical reports.
X - Other problems in selling.
A tentative Suggested Readings :
1. Russel, Beach and Brskirk, Selling (McGraw – Hill)
2. Still, Cundiff and Goven Sales Management (Prentice Hall of India) 3. J.S.K. Patel Salesmanship and Publicity (Sultan Chand & Sons, N.Delhi.) 4. C.A Kirkpatrik Salesmanship (South western publishing; Indian Reprint by J.Taraporewal, Bombay) 5. Johnson, Kirtz, and Schueing Sales Management (McGraw Hill)