Objectives : To Provide the students with an overview of theory of marketing organization and the conceptual framework of marketing in an organization and to develop skills in the decision making, operation and implementation in marketing function.
UNIT - I : Business Industry trade and commerce Types of business units their organization and management objectives of business social responsibility of business and management business environment components importance.
UNIT II : Management Definition Meaning Importance Elements, Process functions and principles of management.
Planning and Decision Making . Basic concepts and principles of planning and decision making elements techniques, processes and limitations, policy making Strategic planning, operational planning.
UNIT III : Organization and Staffing
Basic concepts and prionciples of organizing and staffing Design of organization Types of organizational structures Authority (Meaning and Features) Spamn of central Need and limitations of delegation, decentralization , line and staff.
Staffing Meaning nature, functions and process of personalmanagement. UNIT IV : Directing control and coordination
Basic Concepts Communication, Motivation, Leadership organizational behaviour, control and coordination Coordination Meaning Need Principles Techniques control process Meaning Steps requirement of a good control system.
UNIT V : Marketing Management
Marketing Concepts functions Social responsibility public relation
Marketing Environment Micro Environment Suppliers Intermediaries Customers Competitors, public Macro Environment (with special reference to India) Demographic Economic Natural Technological Political Cultural Social.
UNIT VI : Selecting Targeting Marketing
Market Segmentation : Concepts- types patterns basis of segmentation effective segmentation market positioning strategies types, choosing and implementing marketing targeting strategies; differentiated, undifferentiated and concentrated marketing. UNIT-VII : Product concept and Strategy
Definition Levels Classification of Products Product mix strategy Product line decision Individual product decisions New product development product life cycle.
UNIT-VIII: Price and Pricing Strategies
Concept Meaning, Importance and factors New Product price policy pricing policies.
UNIT-IX : Placing Products and Promotion
Definition Marketing system Classification of intermediaries uses of middlemen functions and flow of marketing channel types of channel flow channel levels alternative channels of distribution selection of distribution channel channel behaviour channel design decisions channel conflict decisions channel management decision. Promoting Products(overview) Advertising Sales Promotion Publicity Personal Selling.
UNIT X : Marketing In Non Business Organization
Nature Scope Non Business attitudes towards marketing Role of marketing in service sector Organization marketing place marketing persons marketing idea marketing techniques and process of marketing for non business organizations.
Suggested Readings:
1. Y.K. Bushan : Business Organization and Management 2. S.C. Chaterjee : Modern Business 3. M.C. Shukla : Business Organization and Management 4. P.N.Reddy and S.S. Gulshan : Principles of Business Organization and Management . 5. Mc Gregor Douglas: Human Side of the Enterprises 6. Gathorne V. Butler : Organization and Management Theory and Practice 7. Massie L. Joseph : Essentials of Management. 8. Gupta N.S : Organization Theory and Behaviour. 9. Philip Kotler : Marketing Management 10. Charles Futsell Stanton : Fundamentals of Marketing 11. Philip Kotler & Gary Armstrong: Fundamentals of Marketing