Unit - I
Origin - growth - definition and meaning - scope - limitations - importance of business statistics.
Unit - II
Collection of data - primary and secondary - methods of collection and sources of data - editing of data - planning of statistical investigation and preparation of schedules and questionnaires - errors and approximation.
Unit - III
Classification- tabulation and presentation of data by diagrammatic graphical methods.
Unit - IV
Statistical series - discrete and continuous - formation of frequency, distribution and rules - mechanical tabulation.
Unit - V
Measures of Central Tendency - Arithmetic, Geometric and Harmonic mean - median - mode, quartiles, deciles, and percentiles - use of weighted averages - properties of averages and their application
Unit - VI
Measures of dispersion and skew ness - Range - quartile deviation - mean deviation and standard deviation - Pearson’s and Bowley's measures of skew ness - study and interpretation of absolute and relative measures of dispersion and skew ness Unit - VII
Simple correlation - concept of regression analysis - calculation of correlation coefficient - Pearson’s rank and concurrent deviation methods - regression equations and interpretation of coefficients.
Unit - VIII
Analysis of time series - decomposition - determination of trend - semi - average - moving averages and linear equation methods - free hand method
Unit - IX
Index numbers - methods of construction - aggregative and average of relatives - test of index number - base shifting - construction of wholesale and cost of living index numbers.
Unit - X
Interpretation of statistical data.
Suggested Readings :
1. D.N.Elhance : Fundamentals of a statistics 2. S.P.Gupata : Statistical Methods 3. B.N.Asthana and others : Elements of statistics 4. Simpson ans Kafka : Basic statistics 5. Boddington : Statistical and their application to commerce 6. Corxten and crowden : Practical Business statistics 7. B.N.Gupta : Statistics 8. D.C.Sancheti : Statistics 9. S.C.Gupta : Fundamentals of Statistics 10.C.B.Gupta : Statistics