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Masters in Business Administration -> MBA -> 2 nd Year-> 3 rd Semester
Marketing Elective 2: Advertising & Sales P Manage

1. Marketing Communication Process - Role of Advertising and Sales Promotion in Marketing Communication. Advertising objectives and functions.

2. Creative Process : Creativity, Creative Strategy and Creative Approaches - Rational and Emotional, Copy writing - Illustrating, Layout, Body Text, Themes and Creative Styles - David Ogilvy, William Bembach, Rosser Reeves, Leo Burnett, Philip Dusenberry. Lee clow, and Hel Riney.

3. Message Strategy : Attention and Comprehension. Understanding benefit based attitudes - Associating feelings with the brand. Brand equity, image and personality. Group influence and word-of-mouth communication.

4. Advertising media choices - media objectives. Strategy Planning. Print and Electronic media. Direct Marketing and out-of-home advertising. Media budgets and allocation.

5. Advertising copy testing and diagnosis. Mechanical and other devices.

6. Advertising agency - Role of agency. Choice of agency, client agency partnership and liason. Handling and assessing agency.

7. Sales promotion and supplementary media - Consumer promotion objectives. Types of consumer promotions. Trade promotion objectives. Types of trade promotions. Supplementary media - Yellow Pages, Speciality advertising - Computer based information services.

Suggested Readings :
1. Boves, Thill, Dovel and Wood : Advertising Excellence, McGraw Hill, New York, 1995.
2. Aakar, Miers & Batra : Advertising, 3rd Ed., PHI, New Delhi, 1966.


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