1. Product decisions - Portfolio, product mix, product line, packaging, branding, product modification and deletion. Product strategy and planning (Recapitulation).
2. Product market evolution - New product introduction. Growth strategies intensive, interactive, diversification. Product portfolio analysis BCG, G.D., Ad little. Shell international, Risk-return analysis, conjoint based product portfolio and performance matrix. Product and other related life cycles.
3. Product modification and new product introduction - Idea generating device. Role of R & D. Product maps, market maps and joint space maps. Idea screening. Product concept development and testing. Product positioning - repositioning strategies.
4. Market segmentation - Market structure analysis. Preference segmentation. Use of DESIGNR, STRATOP and PREFMAPS - flow charts and concepts.
5. Business Analysis - cost behavior - learning curve analysis. Innovation diffusion and adoption process - ADOPTEST. Demand analysis - First purchase and repeat purchase, trial and repeat models. Economic analysis VENTUR.
6. Product development and testing. Test marketing. Marketing mix allocations PLANOPT. Planning annual strategy / budget - MARMIX.
7. Organisation for product management.
Suggested Readings : 1. Moore William and Pessemier Edgar : Product Planning and Management, McGraw Hill, Inc., 1993. 2. Wind Yoram : Product Policy, Addison - Wesly Publishing Co. 1982. 3. Pessemier Edgar : Product management, Hohn Wiley & Sons, 1982. 4. Ulrich : Product Design & Development, McGraw Hill, ND, 1996.