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Masters in Business Administration -> MBA -> 2 nd Year-> 3 rd Semester
HR Elective -1: HRD Perspives and Practices

The course aims at providing a comprehensive understanding of human resource development process and the various techniques and methods adopted for HRD. The emphasis is on latest developments and practices in this context.

1. Concept of Human Resource Development : Basic principles and assumptions - HRD approach and its differentiations from human relations approach. HRD and traditional personnel management concept. Differentiation between HRD and HRM.

2. Psychological Foundations : Basic principles of behavioral development. Learning theory and its implication for human development. Motivational foundations of HRD. The concept of creativity. Creativity and human nature.

3. Emergence of HRD Approach in Management : A brief history - Current status

4. HRD Strategies : Individual Strategies - group strategies -organisational strategies - counseling - career development and planing.
Group as a motivator - Leadership development - Team building.
Organizational Strategies - Organisational values and culture - Evolving system and Strategies for HRD - HRD as a continuous process.
HRD experiences in different countries - America - England - Japan - HRD scene in India.
HRD Strategies, Interventions in HRD sectors and target groups. Health Education - Science - Technology, Technical and Vocational Education - Higher education. Environment - empowerment of women - Entrepreneurial skill for poor and unemployed.
Strategic Process interventions for human resource development - Non Governmental organisations - Decentralisation and enhancing participation - Mobilising resources - Enhancing Coordination - Professionalism goal.

5. Human Resource development process - Role of training and retraining programs - Supervisor development - Management development - Executive Development programs - Structure, Organisation and Functioning of in-house training institutions.

Suggested Readings :
1. Rao - T.V. Verma - K.K. Khandelwal., E. Abraham., : Alternative approaches and strategies of human resource development : Rawat Publishers Jaipur India 1989.
2. H. John Bernardin and Joyce E. Russel : Human Resource Managemnt Mc-Graw Hill International, New Jersey 1993.
3. B.L. Mathur : Human Resource Development : Arihant Publishers, Jaipur 1990.
4. Fredric-E. Schyster : Human Resources Management : Prentice Hall International Virginia 1989.
5. George Neelakant : Human Resource Management - A Corporate Acton perspective.


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